reshape2: Flexibly Reshape Data: A Reboot of the Reshape Package

Flexibly restructure and aggregate data using just two functions: melt and 'dcast' (or 'acast').

Version: 1.4.4
Depends: R (≥ 3.1)
Imports: plyr (≥ 1.8.1), Rcpp, stringr
LinkingTo: Rcpp
Suggests: covr, lattice, testthat (≥ 0.8.0)
Published: 2020-04-09
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.reshape2
Author: Hadley Wickham
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <h.wickham at>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
NeedsCompilation: yes
Citation: reshape2 citation info
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: reshape2 results


Reference manual: reshape2.pdf


Package source: reshape2_1.4.4.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): reshape2_1.4.4.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): reshape2_1.4.4.tgz, r-release (x86_64): reshape2_1.4.4.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): reshape2_1.4.4.tgz
Old sources: reshape2 archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: AFheritability, AurieLSHGaussian, clickstream, cummeRbund, DIMORA, diverse, eirm, gapmap, GSCA, ifaTools, infinitefactor, interlineaR, methylumi, mhtboot, MicroNiche, morph, netresponse, oceanmap, pgsc, pxR, sangeranalyseR, ScottKnottESD, seawaveQ, SKFCPD, tmpm, toolmaRk, TriMatch
Reverse imports: ABHgenotypeR, abseqR, actel, adace, ADAMgui, adductomicsR, adegenet, afex, AHPGaussian, aifeducation, aiRly, aLFQ, allMT, AlpsNMR, AMARETTO, ammistability, aMNLFA, anabel, AneuFinder, animalcules, animint2, ANN2, annotatr, aPEAR, AppliedPredictiveModeling, archeoViz, aslib, asremlPlus, assignPOP, atable, augmentedRCBD, autoGO, AvInertia, BaalChIP, BACCT, backShift, baker, BASiCS, BatchQC, BAwiR, bayefdr, BayesCTDesign, bayesdfa, BayesianFactorZoo, BayesianReasoning, bayesplot, bayesPop, BayesPostEst, bayesvl, BBEST, BCEA, beadarray, beezdemand, BEKKs, benchdamic, bikm1, BinarybalancedCut, bioclim, biomod2, BioNERO, birdscanR, BloodCancerMultiOmics2017, BloodGen3Module, blrm, bnmonitor, boral, BTSPAS, bulletr, burnr, CACIMAR, CaDrA, cageminer, CAGEr, CAinterprTools, CalibratR, cancerGI, CANSIM2R, caret, cartograflow, cassandRa, CATALYST, causalPAF, CBNplot, CDI, celda, cellmigRation, cellscape, CellTrails, cellWise, Cepo, chem16S, ChemoSpec, CHETAH, childsds, chillR, ChIPQC, chromstaR, cicero, circRNAprofiler, CiteFuse, CJIVE, ClassifyR, clhs, clifro, ClimClass, clmplus, ClussCluster, ClustAssess, Cluster.OBeu, ClusterFoldSimilarity, clusterMI, clustMD, cmahalanobis, CMapViz, CNEr, CNVPanelizer, CNVRanger, CNVScope, CoDiNA, coefplot, cogena, cogeqc, comapr, combi, CommKern, communication, compareMCMCs, COMPASS, CompositeReliability, compositeReliabilityInNestedDesigns, CONFESS, conos, ConsensusOPLS, conText, cooccur, CoreMicrobiomeR, corona, corral, cosimmr, covdepGE, cplm, crctStepdown, CrispRVariants, critpath, csa, csodata, CSTools, cTRAP, ctsGE, Cubist, curatedPCaData, cuRe, CytoMDS, CytOpT, dada2, DAMEfinder, DaMiRseq, Damsel, dartR, dartR.base, dartR.sim, data360r, DataExplorer, dataprep, DataVisualizations, DBHC, dbhydroR, dbmss, dcanr, dce, dearseq, debrowser, decontam, decontX, DeductiveR, DELocal, demic, dendroNetwork, dendroTools, denovolyzeR, DepecheR, derfinderPlot, DescribeDisplay, desplot, detectRUNS, DGM, dgpsi, diffcyt, diffEnrich, diffudist, DImodelsMulti, DiscoRhythm, dittoSeq, dlim, do, Doscheda, DOSE, DramaAnalysis, dreamlet, drimmR, DRIMSeq, drpop, DrugSim2DR, dsa, dStruct, dtwclust, DuoClustering2018, DVHmetrics, DYNATE, dynr, dynRB, dynwrap, easier, eat, eatRep, ebvcube, EcoEnsemble, econullnetr, ecr, edina, EEM, EFA.MRFA, effectR, elaborator, ELMER, EloOptimized, emdi, enpls, enrichplot, ensembleTax, entropart, EpiDynamics, EpiEstim, epimutacions, epinetr, epiregulon.extra, erccdashboard, escape, eSIR, EstimDiagnostics, ethnobotanyR, etrm, EvaluateCore, evaluomeR, evolqg, EvolutionaryGames, Evomorph, EWCE, expDB, exreport, exvatools, ez, fabisearch, factoextra, fcm, fdapaceShiny, fdaPOIFD, fergm, FGNet, figuRes2, FinCal, fitbitViz, flowAI, flowSpecs, fmriqa, footBayes, foqat, ForeCA, ForecastTB, forensIT, frailtySurv, freesurfer, FreqProf, FRK, fSRM, FuncNN, funModeling, G2Sd, GCalignR, gdm, GEInter, genBaRcode, geneHapR, GeneSelectR, GENESIS, geneticae, GENIE3, genomation, GenomicDistributions, GenVisR, geocmeans, GeomxTools, GeRnika, gespeR, GetDFPData, ggaligner, ggbio, ggcorrplot, gge, ggenealogy, ggiraphExtra, ggparallel, ggrisk, ggscidca, ghypernet, gINTomics, GISSB, glmmfields, glmmPen, GmicR, GMSimpute, GNET2, GNOSIS, grabsampling, grandR, GRaNIE, grapesAgri1, grapherator, graphPAF, GREENeR, GRENITS, GRIDCOPULA, gridsampler, growfunctions, GseaVis, gspcr, gstar, gumboot, gWQS, HaDeX, handwriter, hdflex, heatmaply, HH, HiCBricks, hicVennDiagram, hipathia, HIPPO, hJAM, hlaR, HLMdiag, Holomics, HuraultMisc, HVT, hybridModels, hydraulics, hydroroute, hydrotoolbox, hydroToolkit, hyfo, hypeR, IATscores, icardaFIGSr, iCARH, iCOBRA, icpack, idopNetwork, IgGeneUsage, ILoReg, ImHD, immunarch, immuneSIM, imputeR, imputeTestbench, IMTest, iNEXT, iNEXT.3D, iNEXT.4steps, infercnv, InPAS, interactiveDisplay, InteRD, InterfaceqPCR, inTextSummaryTable, intradayModel, intRinsic, IOHanalyzer, iprior, IPV, Irescale, irtQ, isobxr, IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR, ITNr, ivmodel, jtdm, kaos, kehra, kerntools, kgraph, Kmedians, KnowSeq, knowYourCG, L0Learn, laketemps, LambertW, lans2r, LatentBMA, lavaSearch2, ldatuning, lddmm, levi, lfproQC, likert, limpca, LinkHD, LinTInd, lipidomeR, LipidomicsR, LOLA, lolog, LOMAR, LongDat, longreadvqs, LPRelevance, lsbclust, lsl, LSX, macrosyntR, MAGAR, MAGeCKFlute, magpie, mandelbrot, manhplot, MantaID, MAPFX, mappoly, mapStats, MarketMatching, marmap, maser, MAST, matricks, matrixdist, MBMethPred, MBNMAdose, MBNMAtime, mbsts, mcb, MCTrend, mcvis, mdpeer, meconetcomp, medicalrisk, MetaComp, metadeconfoundR, metagene2, MetaNet, metaprotr, methimpute, mFD, mfpp, MGnifyR, microbiome, microbiomeExplorer, microeco, MIMER, mina, mipplot, miRNAmeConverter, mirTarRnaSeq, mispitools, mitch, mitoClone2, MitoHEAR, mixOmics, MixSIAR, mizer, mlergm, MLFS, MLZ, MMVBVS, moanin, moderate.mediation, modnets, MOFA2, MOMA, monocle, morse, mortAAR, motifr, MouseFM, mplot, mpower, MPTmultiverse, mrct, MRFcov, mrfDepth, MSclassifR, MSnID, msPurity, MSRDT, mstclustering, mudfold, multibreakeR, multifear, MultiRNAflow, MultIS, multivar, multiWGCNA, musclesyneRgies, mvdalab, mvnimpute, mxfda, nandb, ncappc, nestedpp, netcom, netDx, netgsa, NetworkComparisonTest, NetworkComparr, networktools, networktree, netZooR, NeuralNetTools, NeuralSens, ngsReports, NMADiagT, NMAoutlier, NMF, nonmem2R, nonsmooth, NoRCE, NPBayesImputeCat, NPflow, oaxaca, obAnalytics, octad, OMICsPCA, omicsViewer, onemap, openPrimeR, OpenRepGrid.ic, OptCirClust, optiSel, OralOpioids, ordinalLBM, otuSummary, outreg, OUTRIDER, PANACEA, panelvar, PathoStat, patientProfilesVis, PCADSC, PCAtools, pcFactorStan, pctax, pcutils, PepsNMR, Petersen, petersenlab, PharmacoGx, phase1PRMD, PhenotypeSimulator, PhosR, phyloseq, phylter, pingers, pipeComp, pixiedust, Plasmidprofiler, PLMIX, plot4fun, PlotPrjNetworks, plsgenomics, pmp, PolicyPortfolios, polypoly, polyqtlR, pompom, PopGenHelpR, PopGenReport, pould, povmap, powerbydesign, PPtreeregViz, pqantimalarials, predict3d, predictMe, prepdat, pRF, primerTree, progeny, projectR, promor, promotionImpact, PROPS, PSAboot, pscore, psData, psichomics, psygenet2r, PTXQC, ptycho, puzzle, qape, qckitfastq, qdap, QFeatures, qgraph, quadrupen, quantkriging, qvalue, R3CPET, R3port, rADA, RadioGx, ramr, randomForestExplainer, randomizeR, rapportools, RareComb, RARfreq, Rata, rawDiag, rbcc, rbi, rbi.helpers, RCM, rcontroll, rdiversity, RDS, reconsi, refund.shiny, RegEnrich, regioneReloaded, RelimpPCR, remaCor, REN, RepertoiR, ReporterScore, RESOLVE, rexposome, Rfastp, rgm, RGMM, RiboProfiling, rifi, rifiComparative, RImmPort, Rirt, RITAN, riverconn, rKOMICS, rlfsm, rmcfs, Rmst, rnaCrosslinkOO, RNAmodR, RNeXML, Rnits, rnmamod, robCompositions, RobKF, romic, rprimer, Rprofet, Rqc, RSSL, RStoolbox, RTIGER, rtpcr, rusk, RUVcorr, Rwtss, rwty, rYoutheria, saeTrafo, sampcompR, santaR, saotd, SARC, sbm, SBMSplitMerge, scBubbletree, scCATCH, scDataviz, SCdeconR, scFeatures, scGate, scistreer, scitb, scITD, scmap, scmeth, scorecardModelUtils, SCORPIUS, scpi, scRepertoire, scRNAtools, sctransform, SEERaBomb, segclust2d, SensMap, SensoMineR, seqArchR, SeqSQC, sesame, SFSI, SGCP, sharpshootR, shinyepico, shinyKGode, ShinyQuickStarter, shinystan, sights, signatureSearch, signed.backbones, signeR, siland, SIMAT, simmr, simrel, simulariatools, sincell, single, singleCellHaystack, singleCellTK, singscore, SISIR, sitepickR, SixSigma, SlaPMEG, SleepCycles, SLEMI, SNPhood, snplinkage,, soGGi, SomaticSignatures, SOMNiBUS, somspace, SoundShape, SoyNAM, SpaCCI, SparseSignatures, sparsevar, SPAS, SpatialDDLS, spatialHeatmap, speaq, specieschrom, spectacles, spectralR, SPIAT, SQMtools, sRACIPE, SSDM, ssMRCD, sSNAPPY, SSplots, stability, stacomiR, statcanR, statgenHTP, Statsomat, statVisual, STdeconvolve, StMoMo, STMotif, strandCheckR, SUMMER, Superpower, survSens, sValues, svars, SVMMaj, SWATH2stats, SWIM, SWMPr, synergyfinder, sysid, TADCompare, tashu, TBSignatureProfiler, TCGAretriever, tcgaViz, TcGSA, tci, TCIU, tcplfit2, TCseq, telefit, telraamStats, Tendril, testarguments, testcorr, tetraclasse, theftdlc, tldr, TOmicsVis, tomoda, TOP, TopDom, TopKSignal, ToxicoGx, TPP, transcriptR, treeDA, treediff, TripleR, TropFishR, tsentiment, tsiR, TSstudio, tvm, TVTB, Umatrix, UMI4Cats, updog, UpDown, UPG, variancePartition, VDAP, veccompare, viewpoly, visa, viscomp, ViSiElse, vissE, vivainsights, VplotR, warpMix, WaverideR, weaana, WebAnalytics, weitrix, welo, wevid, widyr, WINS, WordListsAnalytics, wpa, wppExplorer, wql, wTO, xsp, xxIRT, YAPSA, yorkr, zebu, zenith, ZetaSuite
Reverse suggests: AdaptGauss, adept, admix, agridat, aldvmm, alluvial, ALUES, analyzer, ARPobservation, AUCell, baseballr, BiocOncoTK, BioQC, bmlm, bmscstan, bodenmiller, bootCT, bridgedist, camtrapR, causaldrf, CGGP, ChIPpeakAnno, classmap, clustNet, codyn, colorBlindness, complexlm, contsurvplot, countfitteR, csdata, cytofan, CytoPipeline, DanielBiostatistics10th, DAPAR, dartR.captive, dartR.popgen, datplot, DeclareDesign, deconvR, demuxmix, DEqMS, diffuStats, DirectEffects, dominanceanalysis, drugTargetInteractions, ecostats, ecotraj, edge, EMJMCMC, ENMTools, epca, explainer, fastcpd, FCPS, fddm, firebehavioR, fitHeavyTail, fitODBOD, flowr, frequencyConnectedness, funData, funtimes, gamlss.ggplots, gDRtestData, genekitr, GeneralizedUmatrix, GenomicSuperSignature, germinationmetrics, ggalt, ggforce, ggQC, ggsector, ggswissmaps, ghcm, glmmTMB, glmSparseNet, hdf5r, heplots, heuristica, HIBAG, hilbertSimilarity, ibawds, IceSat2R, iheatmapr, IncDTW, Information, irtrees, kergp, knitrBootstrap, Lahman, lda, lionessR, LMMstar, Markovchart, MARVEL, matrixStrucTest, metabomxtr, metafolio, metamicrobiomeR, MethReg, metR, mgc, MGLM, miaSim, microplot, miRetrieve, MiscMetabar, mlrMBO, MLVSBM, mlxR, MOEADr, MortalityTables, mosaicData, MSEtool, MTLR, MTPS, MultiAssayExperiment, MultiATSM, muscat, mutSignatures, nc, neurobase, nipalsMCIA, NitrogenUptake2016, nLTT, nser, OpenMx, opticskxi, oRus, OVESEG, padma, pals, ParamHelpers, pathwayPCA, PDQutils, pdSpecEst, penppml, Perc, phylosamp, polymapR, primer, prioriactions, productplots, ProjectionBasedClustering, ProteoDisco, psd, qad, quantiseqr, r4ss, ragtop, RaJIVE, rAmCharts4, rankrate, rayshader, rbiom, RDML, refund, ReliabilityTheory, remotePARTS, retrofit, rfordummies, RforProteomics, RGENERATEPREC, rmelting, rmoo, RNAdecay, Rnvd3, robustbase, robustlmm, rpf, rrcov3way, rrscale, rtop, SAMtool, scanstatistics, scGPS, scone, scPipe, scviR, sdmpredictors, SDMtune, sensitivity, SightabilityModel, simdata, SmCCNet, snpReady, socialmixr, SongEvo, sparklyr, spatialwarnings, spNetwork, ssdtools, stepgbm, steprf, structToolbox, superb, survout, swag, swfdr, tableone, tcpl, tensorEVD, tictactoe, tidytext, TimerQuant, tissueTreg, Tmisc, topconfects, tracerer, treespace, tstools, tukeytrend, twoddpcr, UCell, vcfR, vkR, webSDM, wxgenR


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