In this document we demonstrate the prior distributions and how to we chose the default priors, based on the example of four species in the North Sea.
The truth follows a multivariate random walk with covariance
parameter Λy, yt∼N(yt−1,Λy). In EcoEnsemble
, the prior
distribution for this parameter is the inverse Wishart distribution. The
inverse Wishart distribution is descried by two parameters, the scale
matrix Ψ and the degrees of
freedom ν. we were unsure of
correlations of the four species and therefore set the off diagonal
elements of Ψ to zero.
To get an idea of the diagonal elements were examined the marginal
distribution of the diagonal elements of Λy. To do this we explored a
univariate random walk, yt,i∼N(yt−1,i,λ2). If y0,i=0, then the distribution after
T times is yT,i∼N(0,Tλ2). The example in EcoEnsemble
for 33 years without any observations from single-species models, and we
can investigate what we believe the change in biomass is in 2050
relative to 2017, without any other information. To do this we will look
sample from an inverse Wishart distribution, using rstan
with varying degrees of freedom.
<- stan_model(model_code="data {
inv_wish_st_mod int<lower=0> N;
real nu;
matrix[N,N] mat_cov;
parameters {
cov_matrix[N] Sigma;
model {
Sigma ~ inv_wishart(nu, mat_cov);
The lower the degrees of freedom, the less informative the prior. However, this comes at the expense of computational efficiency and ν>d−1 is required. We therefore want ν to be as large as possible without excluding any plausible values. We look at 8 degrees of freedom:
<- sampling(inv_wish_st_mod,data=list(N=4,nu=2*4,mat_cov=diag(4))) fit.iw
We look at the distribution of the first diagonal element
<- extract(fit.iw) plot(density($Sigma[,1,1]),main="",xlab=expression(lambda),xlim=c(0,2))
which in 2050 leads to
.2050 <- sqrt(33*$Sigma[,1,1])
xlab="standard deviation in 2050",xlim=c(0,5))
For example, this means that the SSB of cod in 2050, assuming in 2017 it is exactly the value from the assessment (ICES (2020)), will be
<- seq(5,20,length.out=1000)
x plot(x,colMeans(sapply(x, function(xs){dnorm(xs,tail(SSB_obs$Cod,n=1),sd.2050)})),
type="l",axes=F,ylab="density",xlab="Cod in 2050 (1000 tonnes)")
<- log(signif(exp(seq(5,20,length.out=7)),1))
labsx axis(1,at=labsx,labels=c(exp(labsx)/1000))
The solid vertical line is the assessment’s SSB in 2017, with the dashed lines being the maximum and minimum SSB values from 1984 until 2017. Therefore we used the fairly uninformative prior λy∼inv-Wishart(I,8).
We also require a prior on the distribution of SSB in 1983, that is y0∼N(0,1000).
The long-term individual discrepancy for the kth model is γk∼N(0,Cγ) with Cγ=ΠγPγΠγ, where Pγ is a correlation matrix and Πγ=diag(πγ,1,…,πγ,4). We put a uniform distribution on all correlation matrices, Pγ∼LKJ(1), and π2γ,i∼gamma(1,1). This prior gives more weight around zero but has an expectation of 1.
<- seq(0,5,0.001)
xs plot(xs,dgamma(xs,1,1),xlab=expression(pi[gamma,i]^2),ylab="density",type="l")
The difference between two simulators, γk,i−γl,i∼N(0,2π2γ,i), for k≠l. The standard deviation of the difference of two models is
<- rgamma(1e5,1,1)
pis plot(density(sqrt(2 * pis)),xlab="Standard deviation",ylab="Density",main="")
and the distribution of the absolute difference is
<- seq(0,5,length.out=1000)
xs plot(xs,2*colMeans(sapply(xs, function(x){dnorm(x,0,sqrt(2*pis))})),
type="l",axes=T,ylab="density",xlab="Difference of two models")
We do not expect the models to differ by much than one order of magnitude and therefore we used this prior.
The short-term individual discrepancy for the kth model follows an auto-regressive process, z(t)k∼N(Rkz(t−1)k,Λk) with Rk=diag(rk,1,…,rk,4) Λk=ΠkPkΠk, where Pk is a correlation matrix and Πk=diag(πk,1,…,πk,4).
The distribution was f(Pk|α,β)∝{∏N−1i=1∏Nj=i+11B(αρ,i,j,βρ,i,j)s(Pk,i,j)αρ,i,j−1(1−s(Pk,i,j))βρ,i,j−1if P is positive definite0otherwise. with s(ρ)=ρ+12, and hyperpriors αρ,i,j∼gamma(0.1,0.1) and βρ,i,j∼gamma(0.1,0.1). Sampling from this prior
<- stan_model(model_code = " functions{
cor_pri_st real priors_cor_hierarchical_beta(matrix ind_st_cor, int N, matrix M){
real log_prior = 0;
for (i in 1:(N-1)){
for (j in (i+1):N){
log_prior += beta_lpdf(0.5*(ind_st_cor[i, j] + 1)| M[i, j], M[j, i] );
return log_prior;
data {
vector[4] cor_p;
parameters {
matrix <lower=0>[5,5] beta_pars;
corr_matrix[5] rho[4];
model {
for (i in 1:4){
for (j in (i+1):5){
beta_pars[i,j] ~ gamma(cor_p[1],cor_p[2]);
beta_pars[j,i] ~ gamma(cor_p[3],cor_p[4]);
for(i in 1:4){
target += priors_cor_hierarchical_beta(rho[i],5,beta_pars);
diagonal(beta_pars) ~ std_normal();
<- sampling(cor_pri_st,data=list(cor_p=0.1 * c(1,1,1,1)),chains=4)
fit_cor <- extract(fit_cor) <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) #Old pars to reset afterwards
def.par par(mfrow=c(2,2))
xlab="Expected log odds")
<- seq(-1,1,length.out=100)
xs lines(xs,dbeta((xs+1)/2,2,2)/2,col="red")
The above plot shows the different aspects of the emergent distribution of this prior. The top left plot shows the marginal distribution of parameter of the beta distribution with the top right shows the log odds of the expectation of the beta distribution. The bottom left plot shows the marginal distribution of ρk,i,i, with the red curve being the distribution that gives a uniform distribution over all correlation matrices. We gave slightly more weight to correlation matrices that are less correlated. The bottom right plot shows the variance of ρk,i,i over k. The variance of a uniform distribution between -1 and 1 is 1/3 and the variance of the marginal distribution of uniform correlation parameters is 1/5. We allowed the prior to be fairly uninformative over this space, as we were unsure how ρk,i,i and ρl,i,i related to one another, however, we do believe they may be similar and therefore we increased our beliefs around 0.
The ith diagonal element of Πk, πk,i, was ln(π2k,i)∼N(μπ,i,σ2π,i), with zeros on the off diagonals. The hyperpriors were μπ,i∼N(−3,12) and σ2π,i∼inv-gamma(8,4). Sampling from this leads to
<- stan_model(model_code = "data {
st_mod1 vector[4] gam_p;
parameters {
vector [5] log_sha_st_var[4];
vector[5] gamma_mean;
vector<lower=0> [5] gamma_var;
model {
gamma_mean ~ normal(gam_p[1],gam_p[2]);
gamma_var ~ inv_gamma(gam_p[3],gam_p[4]);
for (i in 1:4){
log_sha_st_var[i] ~ normal(gamma_mean,sqrt(gamma_var));
generated quantities{
vector[5] sha_st_var[4];
for (i in 1:4){
sha_st_var[i] = exp(log_sha_st_var[i]);
<- sampling(st_mod1,data=list(gam_p=c(-3,1,8,4)),chains=4)
test.fit_norm <- extract(test.fit_norm) <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) #old pars
def.par par(mfrow=c(2,2))
xlab=expression(var(pi["k,i"]^2)) ,main="")
The top left plot shows the marginal distribution of μπ,i and the top right plot being σ2π,i. The bottom left plot shows the prior distribution of pi2k,i. For the same reason that describes the variance of the random walk on the truth, we felt that σ2π,i should not be larger than 0.2. For a similar reason to the correlation parameters, the variance of σ2π,i will also be small.
For the auto regressive parameter, rk,i, we set a boundary avoiding prior rk,i+12∼beta(2,2).
hist(rbeta(1e5,2,2)*2 - 1,probability = T,xlab=expression(r["k,i"]),main="")
The prior predictive distribution is then
<- EnsemblePrior(4,
priors ind_st_params =IndSTPrior("hierarchical",list(-3,1,8,4),
ind_lt_params = IndLTPrior("lkj",list(1,1),1),
sha_st_params = ShaSTPrior("lkj",list(1,10),1,AR_params=c(2,2)),
sha_lt_params = 5
)<- prior_ensemble_model(priors, M = 4)
prior_density <- sample_prior(observations = list(SSB_obs, Sigma_obs),
samples simulators = list(list(SSB_ewe, Sigma_ewe,"EwE"),
list(SSB_fs , Sigma_fs,"FishSums"),
list(SSB_lm , Sigma_lm,"LeMans"),
list(SSB_miz, Sigma_miz,"mizer")),
sam_priors = prior_density)