European Modern (EM) package for LaTeX: ======================================== CM style fonts - but with accented characters - in Adobe Type 1 format. Copyright 1997 Y&Y, Inc. Parts Copyright 1997 David Carlisle Important Note: =============== The LaTeX PSNFSS support files for "European Modern" (EM) fonts on their own are not useful without the actual fonts. The EM font set itself is available from Y&Y, Inc. Background: =========== Do you: (1) like the look of Computer Modern (CM) fonts; but (2) need ready-made accented characters for proper hyphenation; and (3) need scalable outline fonts (a.k.a. `PostScript' or `ATM' fonts)? Then the EM font set is for you. The character shapes are from Computer Modern, yet the glyph complement is much larger -- including numerous ready-made accented and composite characters -- and the fonts are in scalable Adobe Type 1 format (as opposed to METAFONT based PK bitmaps). The EM fonts also satisfy the needs of non-TeX users desireous of the CM look, because they appear to the operating system as plain vanilla text fonts, and so can be easily used with applications other than TeX. The EM font set: ================ The EM font set contains 57 text fonts based on the text fonts in Knuth's Computer Modern font (CM) set. It also contains 13 math italic fonts based on the math italic fonts in CM and AMS font sets. The EM text fonts have a much larger glyph set than the corresponding CM fonts. Each CM text font has about 117 usable glyphs for text (plus eleven Greek letters). The EM fonts add over 90 ready-made composites and numerous other `missing' glyphs to bring the total number of glyphs to over 300. This makes it possible, e.g., to use these fonts with T1 (Cork) encoding, or LY1 (TeX 'n ANSI) encoding, or LM1 (Textures) encoding. The AFM files show the actual glyph complement available. Note that the EM fonts are set up as normal text fonts, unlike the CM fonts -- all of which have to be set up as pi/math/symbol/decorative/non-text since CM fonts use there own unusual character layout and do not have anywhere near the `standard' complement of 228 glyphs expected of a text font. Treated as text fonts, the EM fonts are reencoded to platform specific encoding when installed on operating systems with system-level support for scalable fonts, such as Windows and Macintosh. Consequently, for optimum use with TeX, you need a system that can reencode fonts `on the fly' (or you need to `hard reencode' the PFB and PFM files using the REENCODE and AFMtoPFM utilities, or use the reencoding feature of for DVIPS when printing to PS printers). The EM text fonts are used in conjunction with some of the CM math fonts. CM math fonts do not contain upright uppercase Greek letters -- these are normally taken from the roman text fonts (CMR* and CMBX*). Included in the EM font set are EMMI* math italic fonts which have these irksome upright uppercase Greek letters in character code positions 208 - 218. Note that this is the same scheme used in the MathTime font set, and similar to the scheme used with the Lucida Bright + Lucida New Math font set when the Lucida Bright Expert set is not available. The names of the EM fonts are derived directly from those of the CM fonts. So, for example, EMR17 is based on CMR17 --- with close to two hundred glyphs added. And EMMI10 is based on CMMI10 --- with upright Greek added. Relation to the EC font set: ============================ The "European Computer Modern" (EC) font set was defined to add ready-made accented characters to CM, including those needed for some Eastern European languages. In order to make space for these characters, many typographically important glyphs had to be banished to "text companion" (TC) fonts. The new EM font set differs from the EC font set in several ways: (1) The EC font set is unmanageably large (500 to 600 fonts), making it unlikely that a well hinted version will become available, and cluttering operating system files with font listings. (2) The EC font set uses fixed encoding, just like CM fonts, except it is hard wired to T1/Cork encoding instead of OT1/TeX Text encoding. This means it is less flexible and harder to use with non-TeX applications. (3) EC fonts are hard-wired for T1/Cork encoding. EM text fonts have a larger glyph complement covering several encodings including T1, LY1, LM1, Windows ANSI, and various ISO standard encodings. (4) The metric files for EC fonts have a problem with kerning for quotation marks. The EM fonts are setup to deal correctly with "boundary character" kerning for both left and right quotation marks. (5) The metric files for EC fonts include a few errors, such as incorrect sign on a few kerning pairs. These have been fixed in the EM font set. (6) The EM fonts use the old germandbls from the CM fonts instead of the redesigned one in EC. (7) The EM font metrics match the CM font metrics exactly for characters that occur in CM. EC font metrics differ slightly from CM. As a result EM is not a "drop in" replacement for EC - it is better. NOTE: the following is largely adapted from David Carlisle's type1cm.txt Using the LaTeX support for the EM font set =========================================== The default way of using the `em' package is as a LaTeX package file. Install em.sty as described below and then just add \usepackage[T1]{em} or \usepackage[LY1]{em} or \usepackage[LM1]{em} to your document. This will override the definitions for all the fonts and so the standard fd files are not used. This will cause LaTeX to use the em fonts, and will also call the fontenc package to switch to the requested encoding (T1/Cork, or LY1/TeXnANSI, or LM1/Mac). Installation Instructions: ========================== IMPORTANT NOTE: we supply a ready-made em.sty file so the following `unpacking' is actually not normally needed; unless you require some particular customization. The installation is controlled by the file em.ins which you may want to edit in two places. 1) If you do not have the AMS Font set available in scalable form then remove the `%' from the line %\def\ams{} This will cause a more restricted font specification to be used. If you do not have the `AMS Extra' font set available in scalable form (i.e. msam6, msam8 and msam9 in addition to msam5, msam7 and msam10) then remove the `%' from the line %\def\ams{ams} 2) If after reading the warning above regarding *.fd files, you decide to make a set of fd files, remove the `%'from the line %\makefdtrue Then run TeX (or LaTeX) on the file em.ins. A package file em.sty (and perhaps a set of fd files - see above) will be produced which you should place in a directory where TeX looks for input files. (Alternatively, add the directory containing these files to the list in the TEXINPUTS environment variable; or the format specific environment variable LATEX). Appendix A: Font sizing -- discrete or continuous? ================================================== LaTeX separates its internal notion of font specification from the external fonts available on the system by means of `Font Shape Specifications', that are normally held in `Font Descriptor' (fd) files. The fd files that come with LaTeX that refer to the standard Computer Modern set (and the related AMS set) are based on the classical bitmap fonts which are available in discrete `magstep' sizes only. For instance, the specification of the main roman font is \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmr}{m}{n} { <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <12> gen * cmr <10.95> cmr10 <14.4> cmr12 <17.28><20.74><24.88>cmr17}{} which says that no font is available at 10.5pt (LaTeX will substitute the nearest available size if you ask for this) and similarly the font is not available at all above 25pt. Such restrictions are essential with bitmap fonts to save generating huge numbers of bitmaps for any size that might be requested, however with scalable versions of the fonts these restrictions are not really needed. For instance the equivalent definition here is: \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{cmr}{m}{n}{ <-6> emr5 <6-7> emr6 <7-8> emr7 <8-9> emr8 <9-10> emr9 <10-12> emr10 <12-17> emr12 <17-> emr17 }{} which means that you can (although some may consider it bad style) go \fontsize{10.345pt}{12pt}\selectfont and be given a suitably scaled version of emr10 and a baseline setting of 12pt. Similarly if you really want, you can go \fontsize{2cm}{2.5cm}\selectfont and use emr17 scaled to 2cm height for a special display context. Appendix B: Technical note about the Font Shape specifications used: ========================================================================== David Carlisle consistently specifies that given a requested size, the largest available font size smaller than (or equal to) the requested size should be used and then enlarged to the requested size. The exception being sizes smaller than the smallest available font, which use a reduced version of that font. The rationale for this is that enlarging a small font typically produces a rather `fat' font, but something readable, whereas shrinking a font may produce something unreadable quite quickly, particulary since the strokes in Computer Modern - and hence European Modern - are already quite thin. So for msam (if `extra' is not specified) he used: \DeclareFontShape{U}{msa}{m}{n}{ <-7> msam5 <7-10> msam7 <10-> msam10 }{} That is, for sizes strictly below 7pt use msam5, 7pt to (less than) 10pt use msam7 and sizes 10pt and above use msam10. This differs from the specification that the AMS use for the scalable AMS fonts (used by the psfonts option to the amsfonts package). They use \DeclareFontShape{U}{msa}{m}{n}{ <-6> msam5 <6-8> msam7 <8-> msam10 }{} This scheme has the advantage of minimising the scaling used, so for instance a 9pt request is satisfied by msam7 scaled up to 9 by this package, but by msam10 scaled down to 9 by the AMS package. In practice this is not likely to make a difference that anyone might notice, but it could in principle affect line breaks etc, so David thought that it should be mentioned here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (TM) European Modern is a trademark of Y&Y, Inc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------