Tissue Samples Locator Demo

Code here written by Erica Krimmel.

General Overview

In this demo we will cover how to:

  1. Write a query to search for specimens using idig_search_records
  2. Filter records to identify tissue to sample
  3. Identify contact information for each collection

Load Packages

# Load core libraries; install these packages if you have not already

# Load library for making nice HTML output

Write a query to search for specimen records

First, let’s find all the specimen records for the species you are interested in. Do this using the idig_search_records function from the ridigbio package. You can learn more about this function from the iDigBio API documentation and ridigbio documentation. In this example, we want to search for specimens identified as being in one of the following genera: Manis, Rhinolophus, or Paguma.

# Edit the fields (e.g. `genus`) and values (e.g. "manis") in `list()` 
# to adjust your query and the fields (e.g. `uuid`) in `fields` to adjust the
# columns returned in your results
records <- idig_search_records(rq = list(genus = c("manis",
                       fields = c("uuid",

The query above returned {r eval=verify_records} as.character(nrow(records)) records from the iDigBio Portal. Here is a preview of what our results look like:

uuid recordset institutioncode genus scientificname country data.dwc:year data.dwc:collectionCode catalognumber data.dwc:preparations
00019ddf-8c70-4f37-a02b-8747a1b472ac 9e046dad-2b23-4f95-8eaf-c0346de2556e fmnh rhinolophus rhinolophus philippines 2008 Mammals 205979 alc
00039392-9b91-40ee-804f-6a895088056b 3c9420c9-c4a8-47dc-88b7-b5638ca5e716 nhmuk rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum schreber, 1774 algeria NA ZOO NA
0005c309-c108-40c2-a646-3498631809f3 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus nippon japan 1954 KUM 64420 EtOH Complete
00060970-bb8b-41e6-a81d-613b47819613 a8ac06c9-efb5-4337-9bdb-bee3b490772c tm rhinolophus rhinolophus capensis NA 1989 Mammal Collection 41560 NA
00069eb8-603e-45b8-9b73-06ef1ada407c ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 rom rhinolophus rhinolophus eloquens kenya 1972 Mammals 65499 whole; wet
00072112-e2b0-4e20-8cae-36172ee7cf95 9e046dad-2b23-4f95-8eaf-c0346de2556e fmnh rhinolophus rhinolophus mehelyi iran 1962 Mammals 96616 skin,skull

Filter specimen records by preparation type

These results include all specimen records from the genera of interest, but now we would like to narrow our search to include only specimens that may have cryo-preserved tissue available. We are looking in the dwc:preparations field for this information, but there isn’t a controlled vocabulary in use and so the data is not very standard. We can start by summarizing the distinct values present in this field for all {r eval=verify_records} as.character(nrow(records)) records:

# List distinct values for the `preparation` field
prepsummary <- records %>% 
  group_by(`data.dwc:preparations`) %>% 

# Display `prepsummary` in HTML output
knitr::kable(prepsummary) %>% 
    kable_styling(bootstrap_options = 
                         c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"),
                  full_width = FALSE) %>% 
  scroll_box(height = "400px")
data.dwc:preparations n
(alcohol >70%) 4
0°C Freezer Tissue 1
1 fluid 1
10% form.->70% alc. 12
10% form.->70% alc.; CT Scan 2
2 JAWS &#124; cast: NO 1
70% alc. 1
? &#124; tissue 4
AL &#124; alcoholic 31
AL &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue 55
ALC 24
Alcohol 13
Anatomical 1
Ancillary Material - 1 1
Articulated skeleton 1
BM - 1 1
Bone sample; SK 43
CW 1
Cranium 6
Cranium & skeletal parts 2
Disarticulated, Not Mounted 10
Dry 1
EtOH Complete 111
EtOH Complete; false 20
EtOH Complete; true 148
EtOH Complete; true; Tissue Tusk; Frozen; true 1
EtOH Complete; true; Tissue Unspecified; Frozen 1
EtOH Complete; true; Tissue Unspecified; Frozen; true 18
EtOH Partial; Skull Complete 12
EtOH Partial; false; Skull Complete; false 4
EtOH Partial; true; Skull Complete; true 66
EtOH Partial; true; Skull Complete; true; Tissue Unspecified; Frozen 1
EtOH Partial; true; Skull Complete; true; Tissue Unspecified; Frozen; true 4
Ethanol Tissue 20
FLUID-ALCOHOL - 1&#124;SKULL - 1 14
FLUID-ALCOHOL - 1&#124;TISSUE - 1 13
Flat Skin Only 1
Fluid 1750
Fluid - 1 7
Fluid - 1; Skull - 1 1
Fluid and skull 114
Fluid, Skeleton, Skull, Head only, Complete Post Cranial, Cranium and Mandible, With Skin, Disarticulated, Not Mounted 1
Fluid, Skull, Body with Skull Removed, Cranium and Mandible, With Skin, Not Mounted 44
Fluid, Skull, Tissue, Body with Skull Removed, Cranium and Mandible, Unknown Tissue, With Skin, Not Mounted, Frozen 1
Fluid, Skull, Whole Body, Cranium and Mandible, With Skin, Not Mounted 1
Fluid, Tissue, Skull, Body with Skull Removed, Unknown Tissue, Cranium and Mandible, With Skin, Frozen, Not Mounted 9
Fluid, Tissue, Whole Body, Unknown Tissue, With Skin, Frozen 1
Fluid, Whole Body, With Skin 1223
Fluid; Anatomical 1
Fluid; Skull 1
Frozen, Not Mounted 1
Frozen, With Skin 1
Frozen, With Skin, Not Mounted 2
JAWS & LIMB BONES &#124; cast: NO 1
L JAW, L MAX, GOOD CONDITION &#124; cast: NO 1
Leg Bones - 1 1
Model 1
Mounted 8
Mounted Skeleton 1
Mounted Skin 1
Mounted Skin; Partial Skin 1
Mounted skin; Skull; Skeleton 2
Not Mounted 582
Not Mounted, Disarticulated 9
Not Mounted, Frozen, With Skin 1
Other 2
Other Tissue 8
Other; Formalin & Alcohol 198
Other; Photo; Formalin & Alcohol 2
Partial Skin 1
Partial Skull; Remainder in Fluid 1
Pelt only 2
Preserved specimen 2
R JAW &#124; cast: NO 1
SA &#124; alcoholic &#124; skull 3
SA &#124; alcoholic &#124; skull &#124; tissue 4
SA &#124; tissue 3
SB - 1 2
SB &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull 1
SB &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue 45
SK - 1 3
SK &#124; skull 3
SKELETON - 1&#124;SKIN - 1&#124;SKULL - 1 4
SKELETON - 1&#124;SKULL - 1 31
SKIN - 1&#124;SKULL - 1 11
SKIN - 1&#124;SKULL - 1&#124;TISSUE - 1 1
SKULL - 1 1
SN 35
SN - 1 3
SN &#124; skeleton &#124; skull &#124; tissue 1
SO - 1 1
SO &#124; skin 1
SS 26
SS - 1 1
SS &#124; skin &#124; skull 138
SS &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue 2
SS &#124; tissue 6
Skeletal part(s) 1
Skeletal parts 4
Skeletal parts Skull

Select values to filter on and apply filter

Based on the distinct values above, it seems like we can use the search terms “froze,” “freeze,” and “tissue” to narrow our results. We do this in the code below.

# Normalize values in `data.dwc:preparations` to be all lowercase; then
# filter rows that include our search terms
recordsfiltered <- records %>% 
  mutate(`data.dwc:preparations` = str_to_lower(`data.dwc:preparations`)) %>% 
  filter(grepl('freeze|froze|tissue', `data.dwc:preparations`))

Now we have {r eval=verify_records} as.character(nrow(recordsfiltered)) records, all of which are displayed in the table here:

uuid recordset institutioncode genus scientificname country data.dwc:year data.dwc:collectionCode catalognumber data.dwc:preparations
008a529f-079c-495f-bc50-592cbe626185 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2008 Mammals 114358 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
00f22bd3-464a-4ff7-85e7-6e641149dcf9 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2014 KUM 171402 tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete
0113a4be-9919-41ee-a6ec-e11d2561ecbf fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis philippine islands 2012 KUM 168539 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
013f080e-2d50-4ae9-b32e-8461858fe3c6 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168271 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
027aab04-d616-47a1-888a-b182bd0bb464 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh manis manis tricuspis central african republic 1996 Mammals m-269889 tissue, unknown tissue, frozen
032a0579-b162-487b-abbf-44ade5703ac8 21ea1ef6-4a2a-4ff2-a18b-5c0f297fc1cf uwbm manis manis javanica singapore 2019 Mamm uwbm:mamm:82865 tissue (dry)
036bb04a-0795-4124-a506-76d828546e89 497d74c2-d07f-4325-ac9c-8e80bcb53f61 anwc rhinolophus rhinolophus megaphyllus papua new guinea 2009 Mammals m30814 formalin, whole; tissues (loans); tissues: spleen (loans)
036bb2c6-557a-4639-8079-8b89c60624f6 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus inops philippine islands 2011 KUM 168137 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
036fa43a-4906-49be-a9f3-0fabccaabb81 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2013 KUM 168866 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
0394774a-6085-46a7-b0db-b911df3ea0fc 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus euryotis papua new guinea 1981 Mammals 36257 sa &#124; alcoholic &#124; skull &#124; tissue
0424885f-9f23-48a1-a364-9439f7840a3c fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2014 KUM 171409 tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete; skin complete
042fb615-0302-4eb2-81eb-bbbfdf997e24 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus luctus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108395 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
04801a78-be5e-48a1-b641-4e1f3af10627 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275621 fluid, skull, tissue, body with skull removed, cranium and mandible, unknown tissue, with skin, not mounted, frozen
04aef3eb-3686-4880-9384-d78975981630 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168436 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
06f119d8-767a-4bce-a75b-c5c72d740882 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus subrufus philippine islands 2013 KUM 168873 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
06f99112-6c2a-4fe1-92a8-832035fdc479 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275567 fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted
08b45ef6-437c-47e9-866d-3208fd8b0933 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220887 tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
09022cd5-762e-4839-b457-23db983c19b0 ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 rom rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis china 2005 Mammals 116376 voucher not available; tissue only
094dccc0-3956-4f98-965f-3c9fad3473a4 ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 rom rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis china 2005 Mammals 116375 voucher not available; tissue only
09a158ef-54fc-447b-8e90-b037299ae90d fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2011 KUM 168143 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
0ae5ca7b-4455-4d9a-995d-bdb875a2f930 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus trifoliatus malaysia NA mammalTissues 4485 ethanol tissue
0bc05862-4299-49c6-843d-bff4fda70651 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus creaghi malaysia NA mammalTissues 4506 ethanol tissue
0c934bcb-2519-4ed8-ba1b-5d28548c7956 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168632 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
0d616578-8388-4afa-90b2-f45ef875dbd8 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus creaghi malaysia NA mammalTissues 4517 ethanol tissue
0d98bc95-4683-4353-b3bb-f539ab0de18c fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2011 KUM 168339 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
0e7ccd7c-4c06-4ba4-8300-83b26523276d fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2013 KUM 168880 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
0e9d3d39-7ffb-48ce-9169-0f38ee608d82 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2006 KUM 164661 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
0eaf5fd6-c198-4046-bcc5-1b5a7937d600 ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 rom rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis china 2005 Mammals 116400 voucher not available; tissue only
0ed0c9ab-c352-4ea2-bc05-cfc58b9e9d7d a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis malaysia NA mammalTissues 4498 ethanol tissue
10b8a58d-22d3-4875-ae65-8735b1a2b9c8 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e msb rhinolophus rhinolophus lepidus lepidus india 1984 Mamm msb:mamm:231643 heart, kidney (frozen); liver (frozen)
10d1a4f6-19c3-42f2-a8e5-ca1c183aa1d3 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115236 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
11069041-adab-490e-90b8-26c76e9758b9 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168645 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
11a9d751-ca28-4501-86ab-64310807521c fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168217 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
11c7e62f-176b-4948-9d7d-90ae69c657d6 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275547 fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted
12fad50c-92aa-4930-a39f-661b609f0ae0 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168731 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
131d584b-8e17-4cde-a017-75cd24663c0e a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus creaghi malaysia NA mammalTissues 4512 ethanol tissue
1339c193-27ef-4cd0-8189-c99d8b4dd85d 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis malaysia 2006 Mammals 108360 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
13d6dfc8-47c5-4216-b789-e6671bd4bacf 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus borneensis malaysia 2006 Mammals 108308 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
14ea174a-7e29-40ef-93ff-b53ba9e39ef5 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus subrufus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168359 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
1549d57f-66ed-4408-b781-9d6da0cabf2f cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275557 tissue, skull, fluid, unknown tissue, cranium and mandibles, body with skull removed, frozen, not mounted, with skin
162ca35c-1fe1-482b-8b96-ebe4d0a6dae1 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis philippine islands 2012 KUM 168538 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
16e5cd26-5bc2-4cd4-aeb3-66c58cff0041 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168434 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
17ab57f8-bddf-4ba5-93d3-285bd3ad20a8 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2005 KUM 164327 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
1a552d25-9bfa-430c-bd4e-c06c5c4e6022 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus inops philippine islands 2011 KUM 168104 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
1a59a4b2-8518-4454-9d2a-418b4370b60c fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2011 KUM 168792 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; skeleton complete; false; skull complete
1b8f2d0c-235c-4a60-a7c1-67dc3cc91eea fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2006 KUM 164665 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
1c5b93e7-888d-4859-8bf3-f1fd1db2b748 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220878 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
1c6b3905-067b-44b2-9bb4-24041af2048a fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis china 1988 Mamm mvz:mamm:192692 tissue (frozen)
1db31b07-faf9-4fc5-936e-129e782bbbb1 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2013 KUM 168877 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
1dd6bc6f-8876-4313-85cc-bee7b54614db 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis malaysia 2006 Mammals 108362 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
1df20dee-a1f4-4b0a-ad69-a37d3d249d08 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis malaysia NA mammalTissues 4361 0°c freezer tissue
1e6cb4ff-57b1-4045-be27-6fd7de215812 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168795 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; skeleton complete; false; skull complete
1edfba63-e802-44e9-8628-66c2a558af3e a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus lepidus malaysia NA mammalTissues 4420 other tissue
1fddc8ed-0d39-48f3-86a3-78a0b3fce706 79dfdec6-3e24-489c-a7ce-85dcc52bc3f9 tcwc rhinolophus rhinolophus fumigatus ethiopia 2001 Mammals 58688 ss &#124; tissue
1ff7272d-2a9e-47fb-ad14-15113263cdb9 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2010 KUM 168379 tissue tissue unspecified; unknown; true; etoh complete
2138fdc7-df45-41a5-9fca-72da8c4a9442 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168270 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
21a45f6b-7bb4-4bb6-bdf9-ca99b13ef318 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168106 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
2244843a-4788-46c5-8c82-0e610f7c9462 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2006 KUM 164655 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
245be12d-0d03-4041-afa2-e0b2ebbf4fb7 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis malaysia 2006 Mammals 108380 sn &#124; skeleton &#124; skull &#124; tissue
24db3a23-802c-4df6-81a6-09097a30448f fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168542 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
2537afad-b4b9-4afe-b52f-12ca6cc6f0dc 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd ummz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 1998 mammals 174639 fluid-alcohol - 1&#124;tissue - 1
25c1a96b-1caf-4d7b-9cf2-64da09166ed3 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd ummz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 1998 mammals 174665 skin - 1&#124;skull - 1&#124;tissue - 1
26492ff9-5646-49d2-b9ff-bbe23d8104c2 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40546 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
265b4fec-5c09-4331-9aae-2dbc7ba1e118 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus subrufus philippine islands 2013 KUM 168872 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
26a53664-afa7-4b27-840e-80182e496e90 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168513 tissue unspecified; frozen; etoh complete; true
27cd8f0b-54e9-43ce-a0a8-4b653fa096b9 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus hipposideros jordan 1983 Mammals 40553 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
289ab281-918d-420a-bf27-44113a701c56 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis philippine islands 2014 KUM 171487 tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete
29c03583-5326-469a-b654-68a73541ca3b fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus inops philippine islands 2011 KUM 168108 tissue; frozen; skull; etoh; true
2ac762ef-8a43-406f-8d99-75211d57be20 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115224 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
2b1d0850-e6b7-4d39-b770-f40537f03f9a fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2005 KUM 164326 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
2c13fc6d-8236-44ef-8eb1-1fb760b9eb13 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115233 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
2c91d146-f2ea-46cc-b08c-3468cbd0c030 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd ummz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 1998 mammals 174645 fluid-alcohol - 1&#124;tissue - 1
2ce3b99c-7c71-4e02-a6e2-eb3172ea4314 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275722 fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted
2cff6ccb-0afc-4b91-b70d-4cc981c34ec3 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd ummz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 1998 mammals 174637 fluid-alcohol - 1&#124;tissue - 1
2d525436-e625-4cde-bb29-4ca2477abae7 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115231 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
2d57d3ee-6f28-4ec0-b45e-3e289990752e 2d853a6d-50ec-4931-8e91-48fc2491fdee lacm rhinolophus rhinolophus megaphyllus australia 1986 Mammals 74721 skin and skull, tissue 0088
2e706c4f-4b94-4654-914c-13b4232bc18c cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275584 fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted
2ecf7b2c-537f-45a1-aeca-472a6a575a55 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii jordan 1983 Mammals 40529 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
2eda5599-cac8-4351-940e-72a632dfa691 2d853a6d-50ec-4931-8e91-48fc2491fdee lacm rhinolophus rhinolophus megaphyllus australia 1986 Mammals 74722 skin and skull, tissue 0129
2f5c5038-9235-4dda-8aba-b90b37afc887 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus trifoliatus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108250 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
2f8e6b10-f323-45a5-8bb2-c547bcf4bc38 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2008 Mammals 114361 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
300eea26-b313-4ccc-8493-7747834a4cd8 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115164 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
3072662a-c27f-4e94-b991-3c56b37688c7 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd ummz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 1998 mammals 174641 fluid-alcohol - 1&#124;tissue - 1
30e08ec3-d819-4ade-8961-5f51c159799d fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus inops philippine islands 2011 KUM 168130 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
3127c869-6f9a-47a2-83d3-94d8b0fff430 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis malaysia NA mammalTissues 4483 ethanol tissue
316a99a7-3f33-4067-871b-ada6dbece66c fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2005 KUM 164328 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
31a00a18-7164-4f77-9008-d5f901f28d0c 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus megaphyllus papua new guinea 1981 Mammals 36260 sa &#124; alcoholic &#124; skull &#124; tissue
32075169-c26e-4162-92f2-29e372e20194 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus swinnyi malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220889 tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
32294929-995a-4e21-9580-a60f7679c2a4 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz paguma paguma larvata grayi (bennett, 1835) india 1903 Mamm 7089 skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); tissue (dry) sample
32fc6ec3-32c8-4e5c-8969-c4a7085fbb54 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2006 KUM 164660 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
33a24970-4c36-483c-9197-f596d4de9cf5 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis philippine islands 2014 KUM 171490 tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete
33b06f06-31e6-4fd9-ae62-95d4c0fd0748 21ea1ef6-4a2a-4ff2-a18b-5c0f297fc1cf uwbm manis manis tricuspis united states NA Mamm uwbm:mamm:82845 tissue (frozen)
33bcb3b9-91b0-4b2a-b6d9-c0f8305dae73 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii jordan 1983 Mammals 40531 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
33d79ec2-633b-4f5c-895e-abc6a04be595 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus borneensis malaysia 2006 Mammals 108385 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
34f10217-1b73-4942-b249-e099757f8aca fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168231 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
351fd795-fd58-44f8-8ffa-20a3155ad8a0 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115226 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
35291a11-a64d-4888-81ea-909692675afc 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz rhinolophus rhinolophus megaphyllus ignifer g. m. allen, 1933 australia 1932 Mamm 29078 skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry)
356f50d4-8982-47b0-bd5c-b2f066539917 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115165 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
35759df2-e1ff-47b6-95d8-d4566495c056 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz paguma paguma larvata ssp. vietnam 1997 Mamm mvz:mamm:186577 skeleton; skin, study; skull; tissue (ethanol, 95%; frozen)
3754a579-50c9-4d3c-bbc7-537838c55694 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus luctus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108342 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
37b52d0a-c7e2-4716-a981-e35e70e9f37c fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis china 1988 Mamm mvz:mamm:192691 tissue (frozen)
37c26944-f02e-487a-8880-8b78330f7f91 c6969e30-ca21-4576-954d-9c0e052bdde9 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 2014 Mammals 38375 tissue-1, alcohol-1
38bc2781-9d3c-4949-9c0d-f1f49033158f fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168439 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
38febdfb-c2ed-4d88-8bd8-578a675ae218 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275705 tissue, skull, fluid, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, frozen, not mounted, with skin
3938b9ba-12b5-4326-b12e-7b29df3cb047 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus subrufus philippine islands 2005 KUM 164348 etoh partial; true; skull complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
39411539-369f-422d-bbfe-58d084d466e0 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis alleni lawrence, 1939 philippines 1937 Mamm 35097 skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry)
39413af3-a091-45fe-ad25-3114eaf5329d fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2011 KUM 168345 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
397f1442-f7ed-485b-a24e-06b330c3e30c 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz manis manis javanica culionensis elera, 1915 philippines 1937 Mamm 35535 skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample
3a8b3014-efb0-4118-92bb-dfec6207ede1 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168226 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
3ac637de-bd1e-4cb1-be24-31a59c185834 2d853a6d-50ec-4931-8e91-48fc2491fdee lacm rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis australia 1986 Mammals 74723 skin and skull, tissue 0135
3ae8dcf0-ab59-4fdd-8cef-25bbf7ee0a0b fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168218 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
3b38be70-04af-49e9-93f7-ec88f9623b33 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115167 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
3b4c7c8c-129b-465e-92ef-37c46ada0b59 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220881 tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
3b4d4102-9e4d-4da9-b6ac-f97f85f653e4 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ssp. malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220900 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
3b9aeb88-4631-4f90-8fff-461381c1b6ca fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus inops philippine islands 2011 KUM 168132 tissue; frozen; skull; etoh; true
3ba8c737-6e55-4b71-99d8-1f3bdb9a1fa9 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus subrufus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168245 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
3bb21ea4-1c0b-4ba2-9ba6-28a8bd5b0225 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275704 tissue, skull, fluid, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, frozen, not mounted, with skin
3c69075d-1e9e-4d0d-8801-af7bfe56d707 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115225 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
3db53072-c314-4a83-a409-0858be9c2ac7 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168485 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
3ddf4a8b-fb28-49dd-97bc-a79c5867743e cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh manis manis tricuspis central african republic 1996 Mammals m-269861 frozen
3e0dc20c-33db-4414-b5a3-af2ea0ec3cf9 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40548 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
3ec4f0f3-5c1d-41b2-b3e4-ddf85d0fbdea fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2006 KUM 164659 etoh complete; true; tissue tusk; frozen; true
3ffcb366-04b0-47f5-b02e-6d31ed0577c7 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2011 KUM 168341 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
406b5064-8776-432e-bf1e-03bb191146fa 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e msb rhinolophus rhinolophus rouxi rouxi india 1984 Mamm msb:mamm:231686 unknown (frozen)
412c64ae-d03b-4211-9e9c-7c1bb71e598b fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220890 tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
420df425-c71c-4cab-8c52-b5bce8a18fc9 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2005 KUM 164367 etoh partial; true; skull complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
4387a147-a211-47f5-ae51-adf2d47bb1ee fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220880 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
447cb34e-1f0a-4039-92bd-4555ea83bb15 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus sedulus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108394 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
45759c93-69b0-4f97-8903-3fe6b02435a6 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus sedulus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108396 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
462f00dc-cf3d-440f-9fb6-573d06526512 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus inops philippine islands 2011 KUM 168131 tissue; frozen; skull; etoh; true
46b31333-bd4a-44d5-8966-3b6688a5a563 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd ummz rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum pakistan 1990 mammals 167651 fluid-alcohol - 1&#124;tissue - 1
46b4286c-1901-4868-a178-8fdd07491ef1 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220873 carcass (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed); skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
476c2c8d-a05a-4a18-a48c-8ffddb4350a3 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40543 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
4842d2ae-9647-4389-ae12-e024313929f6 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115210 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
484815b5-7ea4-4fe6-a489-da23c1dcbd39 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40536 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
499455ea-6998-4780-a2d5-db0d910a0016 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus lepidus malaysia NA mammalTissues 4492 ethanol tissue
49c52b3a-b038-4c87-9d72-8cd042a925d1 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40545 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
4a1abc15-ca2b-4894-99d3-a85fce13550b 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii jordan 1983 Mammals 40527 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
4a6b73b5-978b-4e0d-9a7c-48e03cc70f4a cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275585 fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted
4b3532a2-c4cc-4189-9858-e050e9917acc 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus tunisia 1996 Mammals 70915 ss &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
4ba7330f-b257-48d2-af3f-f0918f8d7cad 79dfdec6-3e24-489c-a7ce-85dcc52bc3f9 tcwc rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ethiopia 2001 Mammals 57988 ss &#124; tissue
4cb84e88-68b1-4d87-b654-4ece0098ccb3 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168757 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
4cf58635-cd60-402e-b113-28484a017b1e fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2011 KUM 168332 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
4d078e78-08f7-4730-a102-20e06ea7064a fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168796 tissue; frozen; skeleton; skull; true
4d6b385b-2e09-4ad5-adda-346c5704cc28 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2006 KUM 164973 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
4d82be76-af7b-45f7-b902-2f97394d2d13 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2013 KUM 168864 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
4d9508c9-00fb-4009-be29-e8e7b2df1af3 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168128 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
4da5a77f-52b1-498b-bc60-51114defcfa0 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168754 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
4dbf0d44-f269-47e7-804f-512aa271ddfe 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus sedulus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108341 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
4eba05bd-54a4-4eba-a94c-ac9038cb498f fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168450 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
4eceecd1-a1f7-405a-8c9a-4099803a7ab8 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus luctus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108345 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
4ee800ba-bfc4-49a0-a94d-eaa3a4d87a2f cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pusillus vietnam 1998 Mammals m-272340 frozen, with skin
4f157b4e-b3fc-4db3-93af-c9e3175e42ab b4d4e884-a2ef-4967-b4cb-2072fc465eaf uam rhinolophus rhinolophus acuminatus cambodia 2001 Mamm uam:mamm:104764 muscle (frozen); whole organism (ethanol)
5115a5f2-b007-4802-96cd-73669905404b fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168099 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
5135335c-356f-450a-a5d8-15cb2e5975c7 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220895 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
514b2443-55ad-483f-802e-a3e3c4037a51 c6969e30-ca21-4576-954d-9c0e052bdde9 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 2014 Mammals 38374 tissue-1, alcohol-1
5191d4b9-f873-46ce-8cb5-30c88ab916c1 76015dea-c909-4e6d-a8e1-3bf35763571e ypm paguma paguma larvata NA NA VZ ypm mam 014805 skeleton; tissue (frozen)
51e7923a-5a2c-4f3c-98ec-ddebf108460f fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168253 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
526526e3-1cb1-4a27-ade1-18eedf888c14 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2011 KUM 168793 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; skeleton complete; false; skull complete
53b96f01-3e46-44e9-bc01-1b9fca01061c 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii jordan 1983 Mammals 40528 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
551d5ca2-50e5-4580-9a7a-0ea3b4a6d818 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275699 tissue, skull, fluid, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, frozen, not mounted, with skin
5776a469-d91d-4b00-8b58-5f98db695ed8 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis philippine islands 2012 KUM 168531 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
58618410-a0e1-48ff-93d0-be16655c056c 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e msb rhinolophus rhinolophus lepidus lepidus india 1984 Mamm msb:mamm:231641 unknown (frozen)
588f2639-26c4-4af4-b949-878053b70922 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115229 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
5973f48d-db4a-4fd2-b130-6b4bf3c84d62 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus stheno malaysia 2006 Mammals 108171 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
59c394a3-b4a7-44db-bf9f-f1505546f258 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus creaghi malaysia NA mammalTissues 4518 ethanol tissue
5a06a70d-45de-4b18-95ad-ca84d3400d18 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis philippine islands 2014 KUM 171485 tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete
5abb62ba-cac5-47f9-b350-3becb27e7b72 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115212 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
5acb2d40-85bc-4015-8397-fdc1b2ff567b cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis vietnam 1998 Mammals m-272377 frozen, with skin, not mounted
5b96c780-6f07-4c42-a146-849d3404face 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40533 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
5d49257b-37a7-4bed-af38-9bb17923747f fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168204 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
5fc9336b-6c79-46c0-90f5-eb74ff5db487 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2013 KUM 168878 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
5fccfd50-d66e-421c-b64b-c35e86b4acd5 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum united states 2006 Mamm mvz:mamm:239248 tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
606600a1-c9bd-4865-8ccf-b3dc3654ed05 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168543 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
60a22c09-9673-46b0-bec6-7fd7da620638 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus luctus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108343 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
60db7f12-0d35-481c-8e99-7144be38f1c0 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus swinnyi malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220884 tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
61334e5c-c51a-4e1f-a1d2-65942c9865d7 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus borneensis malaysia 2006 Mammals 108393 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
634f2d57-bad4-4993-a9e3-c73455d41d2c 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e msb rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 2000 Mamm msb:mamm:93100 liver (frozen); muscle (frozen); skull; whole organism (alcohol)
635d5bed-f3a1-447d-8c82-aa2b2b4ae347 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2006 KUM 165157 etoh partial; true; skull complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen
636abcef-43ac-4b72-b3bc-94a44e3fd612 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ssp. malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220899 carcass (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed); skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
643ad490-6090-4119-8de1-0103333d7809 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220886 tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
6500e00c-cda5-4d46-b4ec-35c51db70ed4 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz paguma paguma larvata intrudens wroughton, 1910 thailand 1937 Mamm 35873 tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); skeleton (dry); tissue (dry) sample
65b80e40-c3c0-4b29-ba21-b5e87c060dc1 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2008 Mammals 114362 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
65d93787-a753-420f-916f-afe20bccdfea fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2006 KUM 164664 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
669c13ef-9aa9-449c-b93b-ce408c25cb37 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum united states 2006 Mamm mvz:mamm:239250 tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
66ccce8b-f3ae-48f4-98b4-9b7d980918f0 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippine islands 2013 KUM 168867 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
671403d8-00b8-4ef5-932e-3938b0b54027 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis philippine islands 2014 KUM 171488 tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete
67519cc0-d7da-48c1-979b-c900857e7e3e fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168649 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
6848eea3-f873-44a4-a427-64d817ea780a fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168661 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
69d9d6c8-b8f1-4328-9268-0f51df5d5950 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40550 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
6a578966-5439-4765-b276-3c1ec772e307 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275620 fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted
6a7695ac-fab9-494b-9cc6-ad820d11715f a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis malaysia NA mammalTissues 4514 ethanol tissue
6ad1cd68-f298-4757-beb6-92c16b6f9fb5 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168238 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
6af9cd24-5d9c-4415-aad1-d2a24742c879 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168129 tissue; frozen; skull; etoh; true
6b6bc800-c09c-4e4e-b816-83a552bb0e2c 79dfdec6-3e24-489c-a7ce-85dcc52bc3f9 tcwc rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ethiopia 2001 Mammals 57985 ss &#124; tissue
6bd77d52-5a5b-4f81-afb4-eb23630e21d3 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus luctus malaysia NA mammalTissues 4427 other tissue
6d51bfb2-d207-44b3-aefd-ed5ef1e50074 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus robinsoni malaysia 2006 Mammals 108185 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
6d7bda87-508d-4a12-9e46-4d78b4f581f0 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus subrufus philippine islands 2013 KUM 168874 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
6df48b43-86c6-45fa-bb4b-edbb3f01ee07 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis philippine islands 2012 KUM 168523 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
6e3dbf92-60ae-4529-b3d3-c6fc8601cdaf fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168229 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
6f7db3a3-a28b-4c07-8213-7e056b7f8a96 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168753 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
6f8c6317-ed52-45b8-8011-0322f76f029a 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz paguma paguma larvata larvata (c. e. h. smith, 1827) taiwan 1930 Mamm 28785 skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); tissue (dry) sample
6fcec7fb-3cbf-4068-b860-23aef273c256 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168494 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
6fd0072b-6563-43ed-b292-44669f63ec72 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168512 tissue unspecified; frozen; etoh complete; true
702da6ba-3b39-4433-9c4f-3c43a8986021 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus subrufus philippine islands 2013 KUM 168875 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
7069a9ff-51ec-4058-bd69-0a8efbd63c1c 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115203 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
70ac5a98-b740-43a5-a62c-e23e1ccf34bb fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus inops philippine islands 2011 KUM 168127 tissue; frozen; skull; etoh; true
70b99ccd-4617-4b62-abe6-26520aa4a729 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40549 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
71084527-7762-4cae-986d-5ee7642d0e37 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168232 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
71514909-3be9-46f8-8eeb-d13d23aa1788 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168329 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
724cff05-f742-4534-b8e6-f7a007b6da5b fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220879 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
72c9ab82-1f0a-4642-98b5-df0852f40bb5 ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 rom rhinolophus rhinolophus borneensis indonesia; borneo 1993 Mammals 101995 voucher not available; tissue only
72cbcd9d-9c28-40c0-9cdf-cb61f14fadff fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis philippine islands 2011 KUM 168317 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
72ee9113-434e-4f98-ad10-ae78ce3fd85b fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168319 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
752f65e1-2910-4aba-86bc-a6cebdd39831 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis philippine islands 2012 KUM 168668 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
75f10b27-42e6-4029-84fb-9b7948b01a3c 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115252 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
763fa2b0-fac6-4bf3-8106-3bd37247308c fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippine islands 2014 KUM 171465 tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete
77099def-5c83-4240-b278-38b8fcdb1223 ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 rom rhinolophus rhinolophus trifoliatus indonesia; borneo 1993 Mammals 102000 voucher not available; tissue only
7973deaa-73eb-442f-9c68-89d1a5754b05 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd ummz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 1998 mammals 174640 fluid-alcohol - 1&#124;tissue - 1
7d32e9bd-41e9-4646-b207-d31e23ce7acc 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd ummz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 1998 mammals 174646 fluid-alcohol - 1&#124;tissue - 1
7db68c37-cd83-4592-9283-71f19c810b25 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus luctus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108408 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
7dc1a08b-4554-40e8-8217-6907d4039d44 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168732 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
7dfb58dc-6b6f-4d42-9f2b-1df471743c8f 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e msb rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 2000 Mamm msb:mamm:93099 liver (frozen); muscle (frozen); skull; whole organism (alcohol)
7fdd7a59-43ab-42a3-842d-b2d251363265 ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 rom rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis china 2005 Mammals 116393 voucher not available; tissue only
806cea00-0170-4394-9f1f-948aab5e623e 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115251 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
807533dd-0ab7-4c2c-b3c8-be3422502ede fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168484 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
80b6a592-3d07-450e-9433-1b453636a339 ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 rom rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis china 2005 Mammals 116404 voucher not available; tissue only
80e11380-b7bf-4767-874d-9e37bb648421 ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 rom rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis china 2005 Mammals 116438 voucher not available; tissue only
80f77c84-c9d7-4358-bfae-e56156aa7b28 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2005 KUM 164325 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
80fe5b62-4ee4-49f8-a392-126a5851d091 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2013 KUM 168881 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
825982cc-aa54-49df-b28e-a1d8f7bf0932 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus trifoliatus malaysia NA mammalTissues 4519 ethanol tissue
82dee2d9-abf8-4931-8263-eae1051f6ee0 d598446c-2b25-4d5d-a983-99be53001203 nmv rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 1992 DNA Laboratory z31821 tissue&#124;frozen&#124;ethanol 95%&#124;liver&#124;ethanol 96%&#124;-196°c
83034cca-228c-4fa1-99ae-c14c55084e77 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus inops philippine islands 2011 KUM 168126 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
84cdb60b-6c48-45af-8895-e83904bdcbb1 21ea1ef6-4a2a-4ff2-a18b-5c0f297fc1cf uwbm manis manis javanica singapore 2010 Mamm uwbm:mamm:82629 skeleton; skin, study; tissue (frozen)
855bb650-ea0e-4005-89ed-11a1c042b218 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e msb rhinolophus rhinolophus lepidus lepidus india 1984 Mamm msb:mamm:231647 unknown (frozen)
87181db3-997b-4317-8be2-1b88911f78cb a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus trifoliatus malaysia NA mammalTissues 4416 other tissue
878d3221-2362-45f7-a104-fd2b7d4f691b fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum united states 2006 Mamm mvz:mamm:239253 tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
87e036a0-ef57-4bf2-9bdd-72804655e2b5 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168228 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
884e11b5-df23-471e-9df5-2a9acab700df a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus creaghi malaysia NA mammalTissues 4513 ethanol tissue
8883ef1b-9001-40fa-8ac3-1113c897a7af fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220897 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
88b71adc-c58f-4d1f-8700-aa6c2cdf441e 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd ummz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 1998 mammals 174643 fluid-alcohol - 1&#124;tissue - 1
8918b4c2-e259-41bb-8b6e-87ea1144e4a6 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippine islands 2014 KUM 171473 tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete
892a5f83-d234-4be2-a5b4-c3224a4bfcdf fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ssp. malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220898 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
896d6a9c-df7e-4508-ab79-330991547f5f 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus acuminatus thailand 1983 Mammals 41250 ss &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
8a35e68c-1046-4086-9864-f1a0bc234339 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40532 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
8b1037a6-bbac-48de-9341-39f02f4b3722 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168471 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
8b86850a-bc76-4cd8-99fe-5e925282774b 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus trifoliatus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108275 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
8bc9a297-b920-4883-b174-ebb1a056a910 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40539 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
8bd07db7-22b2-4480-a924-c512d208260d 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40541 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
8c17e19a-d49c-4c11-a111-eb4fb92d4853 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pusillus vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275592 skull, fluid, tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, not mounted, with skin, frozen
8c38a3ee-dd7f-4ac6-88e9-68c6aaf1a900 2d853a6d-50ec-4931-8e91-48fc2491fdee lacm rhinolophus rhinolophus megaphyllus australia 1986 Mammals 74720 skin and skull, tissue 0087
8ca8f97d-1d31-4d01-92bd-bbec0a8527cc fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220874 carcass (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed); skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
8da99b8b-7f97-479f-83b4-2cb3b6a6a39f 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e msb rhinolophus rhinolophus celebensis indonesia 2000 Mamm msb:mamm:93101 liver (frozen); muscle (frozen); skull; whole organism (alcohol)
8dfa3c56-0a29-4f89-870a-d8729a4f384e fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ssp. malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220904 embryo (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed); skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
8e332e3b-2f0b-4c73-8f83-fbc125b400f0 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168230 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
8e80fe91-06f2-4995-9921-e8c38879904a a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis malaysia NA mammalTissues 4486 ethanol tissue
8f045a87-e1db-4219-8257-757c21586f1f fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2006 KUM 164658 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
8f049f7f-aeb8-4f35-9196-f887653440ca 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e msb rhinolophus rhinolophus lepidus lepidus india 1984 Mamm msb:mamm:231645 unknown (frozen)
8f51379f-2566-4225-bdad-e6419c3e5d12 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus lepidus malaysia NA mammalTissues 4419 other tissue
8fad29da-05cd-4226-856c-772e44b34261 ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 rom rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis china 2005 Mammals 116484 voucher not available; tissue only
90da6582-b8bf-458d-a612-e3fa8d3fc1bf fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus rouxi sinicus china 1988 Mamm mvz:mamm:176505 tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol)
9112a5c9-99b1-42a9-82a3-36fefaa0a0b1 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus hipposideros jordan 1983 Mammals 40552 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
912dec11-b696-4ba6-9b48-811153b0f26c fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum united states 2006 Mamm mvz:mamm:239249 tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
92fac605-de17-4dcb-978b-aa0fe8c72d32 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e msb rhinolophus rhinolophus lepidus lepidus india 1984 Mamm msb:mamm:231625 unknown (frozen)
950786b9-005b-4b53-8cef-0bd604d44501 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115207 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
95456720-84f9-4fc3-99f3-5463f5ea1024 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus mehelyi tunisia 1996 Mammals 70911 ? &#124; tissue
95f3e3ed-8034-4af4-950a-22978160036e 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii jordan 1983 Mammals 40524 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
97469adb-4336-4cc4-ba6f-f1b2bbf0792c 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40540 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
9762b30d-3bd1-4f9b-9dab-b98c440ff65a 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii jordan 1983 Mammals 40530 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
981afc97-0d92-4199-bc34-9719d7d46353 79dfdec6-3e24-489c-a7ce-85dcc52bc3f9 tcwc rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ethiopia 2001 Mammals 57935 sa &#124; tissue
9925218b-df38-47b8-be15-b6d7aca8cdae 79dfdec6-3e24-489c-a7ce-85dcc52bc3f9 tcwc rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ethiopia 2001 Mammals 57982 sa &#124; tissue
9ad500f9-753f-464b-af1d-bd5f87ed9d1c 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus mehelyi tunisia 1996 Mammals 70910 ? &#124; tissue
9ae6a440-346a-4183-83c3-4bef7ae627b6 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168502 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
9c658156-d742-4385-bcbb-cd9620b613d6 79dfdec6-3e24-489c-a7ce-85dcc52bc3f9 tcwc rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ethiopia 2001 Mammals 57987 ss &#124; tissue
9ca0505c-41f4-4c07-8158-2846c61b0beb fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168236 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
9d24f720-7eba-4bfe-8449-82cec28ca996 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus trifoliatus malaysia NA mammalTissues 4426 other tissue
9d69bac6-4561-4596-86e3-58f30f055dac fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168463 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
9db16950-7c65-42fb-bf9e-e1496ec1c541 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum united states 2006 Mamm mvz:mamm:239247 tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
9e351d90-70e6-4be5-975d-25662b3e6ab1 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168237 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
9ed9ae0a-b1d8-496b-92c1-b5cb9812e523 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis malaysia 2006 Mammals 108353 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
a0a18d25-1c1f-489d-8f83-f5eacd494549 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus lepidus malaysia NA mammalTissues 4487 ethanol tissue
a0c7358c-3c44-4977-be2d-688701955633 c6969e30-ca21-4576-954d-9c0e052bdde9 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 2013 Mammals 38232 tissue-1, skeleton-1, skull-1, skin-1
a168e365-ea44-45b7-93c7-78172cb9c8b6 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis malaysia 2006 Mammals 108361 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
a230da17-d67d-442c-aac6-256f33904546 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168328 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete; skull complete
a3440154-faab-4a6d-9cd3-0e701adc11dc 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus trifoliatus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108238 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
a35ebc4d-97b9-40bc-b165-8f71200c4361 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus trifoliatus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108205 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
a3695a34-431f-48da-bc32-452255cd1843 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40547 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
a378aab0-6a78-43a5-8ee4-f30ba73a3ece fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus subrufus philippine islands 2013 KUM 168868 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
a39d951e-847f-48c1-813c-69b642fa58d5 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippine islands 2014 KUM 171472 tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete
a3f7bd15-8d1e-4d74-a6c2-48aa4b6af4f9 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd ummz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 1998 mammals 174642 fluid-alcohol - 1&#124;tissue - 1
a43517c5-494d-455b-a640-35ce3ab20ffb 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus mehelyi tunisia 1996 Mammals 70909 ? &#124; tissue
a5460309-ef72-4169-b189-c9f0125a0624 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40534 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
a548b2b9-8fc5-46da-85b3-5f3bac5ebe51 79dfdec6-3e24-489c-a7ce-85dcc52bc3f9 tcwc rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ethiopia 2001 Mammals 57983 sa &#124; tissue
a637b1f8-ddb0-47b1-856d-8b9736f6c8de fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus subrufus philippine islands 2013 KUM 168871 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
a663bf1a-39f7-4f70-a173-38795e0f168b fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2006 KUM 164657 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
a6eb0060-b296-4aa6-93c4-0cddca9ac526 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus borneensis malaysia 2006 Mammals 108388 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
a710f506-d2a7-409a-96ca-0f60dbe227b1 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus trifoliatus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108173 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
a8355760-2ba5-4a83-b70b-1b60c3a7f606 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168514 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
a84a7b60-65a2-48be-989c-0d779a812ad9 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus inops philippine islands 2012 KUM 168498 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
a8a1d864-8508-4519-9de3-002e0304705f 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e msb rhinolophus rhinolophus lepidus lepidus india 1984 Mamm msb:mamm:231650 heart, kidney (frozen); liver (frozen)
a8ce3e3d-aae8-4aa3-bbed-d394140bf10d fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum united states 2006 Mamm mvz:mamm:239251 tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
a98d86f7-a18c-4ad9-94d5-d23bc112fd0e 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus trifoliatus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108315 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
aa5382b5-8f27-4fcf-8ab4-1f5c97fa9b26 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus megaphyllus papua new guinea 1981 Mammals 36259 sa &#124; alcoholic &#124; skull &#124; tissue
aabcb986-2a01-4c29-b4bd-2572cc2db7b3 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ssp. malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220902 carcass (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed); skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
ab4d321b-a76a-4d6e-8404-fe2f1285bafc 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115168 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
ab632cc0-a0cb-47b3-b372-66b657a581c3 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40551 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
ab808a29-8a92-4a1d-8fd3-8e9919385368 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168102 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
abfb3e97-b10d-4e94-a452-438ebb959368 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168227 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
ac1ad2b0-7e60-4b77-9d74-e81aa3ae5de9 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd ummz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 1998 mammals 174635 fluid-alcohol - 1&#124;tissue - 1
ad5400d5-04fd-4730-a5ed-e8d176b9009e c6969e30-ca21-4576-954d-9c0e052bdde9 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 2013 Mammals 38231 tissue-1, skeleton-1, skull-1, skin-1
ad98432a-df82-40aa-b405-c09fa98d2eb5 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2013 KUM 168865 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
adc4cc3f-1120-4eb5-a8a1-8a7eaee30b6e fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168540 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
ae3ebe6f-49b5-4d97-9e75-4458e193961a fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2005 KUM 164324 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
aeb3d775-d197-4db9-acf2-b4a2bd402af3 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220893 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
af5e94f8-1aa0-4441-a31c-decb328cffbc 79dfdec6-3e24-489c-a7ce-85dcc52bc3f9 tcwc rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ethiopia 2001 Mammals 57986 ss &#124; tissue
af998d6f-1b3a-4964-9a74-4ac570eb0679 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275697 fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted
b08c09fd-fcc2-4517-b8b5-d715f59376b7 497d74c2-d07f-4325-ac9c-8e80bcb53f61 anwc rhinolophus rhinolophus megaphyllus australia 1964 Mammals m05818 skin; skull; tissues: hair (loans)
b0d766b8-ccf7-4931-b166-274c0a24744b 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108228 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
b26a43f4-b4d0-4c93-8587-e4850791e52f fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168733 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
b30edd7e-cf1e-4f6e-b78e-a81f507d024e fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168314 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
b35ac575-ac01-4605-b696-09d7583fef24 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168233 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
b4f98066-4209-457e-8378-566986229b6a 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz manis manis pentadactyla pusilla j. a. allen, 1906 china 1923 Mamm 24767 skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample
b5d1f85a-0863-4954-9b30-26c1962acd0b fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2006 KUM 165156 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen
b5e66978-ce38-437c-a41a-9d0cafbbc59c 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e msb rhinolophus rhinolophus lepidus lepidus india 1984 Mamm msb:mamm:231648 unknown (frozen)
b7ba000a-aebc-469d-a8af-da02fb284dd9 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115249 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
b950b9b4-c170-421d-bec4-10f9963733f1 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz manis manis pentadactyla dalmanni china 1922 Mamm 19992 skin (dry); skeleton (dry); tissue (dry) sample
b9d0cafc-08d6-4213-a10e-bca40004b6a1 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168515 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
ba43b251-18ab-4462-a0b2-a41318b179fb fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2006 KUM 164653 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
bab1784e-48de-4935-9ce1-c08d897cfb2e 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115250 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
bb0f3e2b-21ab-42a1-8d3e-27662665c9c9 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2008 Mammals 114360 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
bb597ad0-cdb6-4620-9cba-95d082346a61 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115211 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
bb73427a-4bc6-48cc-abaf-5ff3bf0e2956 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115232 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
bba45b17-0226-4973-bf25-0f8b457f2fa8 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii jordan 1983 Mammals 40525 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
bbdfe371-4821-4722-bbbb-35100f2aba6f cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275703 fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted
bc157626-87ac-4df2-a94d-aa3e86d22e96 79dfdec6-3e24-489c-a7ce-85dcc52bc3f9 tcwc rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ethiopia 2001 Mammals 57989 ss &#124; tissue
bc437f63-191d-4032-be12-5270a29d85c3 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus stheno malaysia NA mammalTissues 4411 other tissue
bcedeb55-0e6c-4c7e-a69c-a65d172c5a16 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2013 KUM 168876 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
bd64b73c-80e8-473b-ba5d-21762e69c51f fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus subrufus philippine islands 2013 KUM 168869 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
bd913fe7-a3df-4b24-8b59-c8f995ef45c8 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus subrufus philippine islands 2013 KUM 168870 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
bdbca2b6-11ab-43c9-94c0-755f9e2e7b95 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus trifoliatus malaysia NA mammalTissues 4499 ethanol tissue
bdd68bbf-6e4f-4219-91a3-88f3f69f365e 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40544 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
bdd984fb-69d3-495f-8169-3ee029c07588 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus sedulus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108344 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
bded3683-7d98-48d9-b71a-aa6d64d9ae27 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2006 KUM 164654 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
bf598162-9024-44af-90de-e6478fac3acb fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis china 1988 Mamm mvz:mamm:192693 tissue (frozen)
c02d4abb-12cc-4955-8b20-b3c9f32e593b fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2006 KUM 164662 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
c0534283-9c2b-4b8b-9dca-982728e702c3 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus trifoliatus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108273 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
c058ab36-7b52-4ead-9cab-f37d0b9debe3 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis vietnam 1998 Mammals m-272151 frozen, with skin, not mounted
c127d5ef-cbe5-4895-b412-eb2f294adabe fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220896 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
c169e4e2-7a2c-43db-a340-9626a2e5e1e0 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus euryotis papua new guinea 1981 Mammals 36258 sa &#124; alcoholic &#124; skull &#124; tissue
c1938177-defa-4e70-8a3d-48d2ee045e08 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220876 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
c1aefe07-a1e7-478d-bb16-05f769d7ad1b fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis philippine islands 2014 KUM 171439 tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete; skin complete
c21b8750-06b2-4d8d-b00a-57bec27a9ab3 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168330 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
c2ef937a-449c-4cbc-8240-8f387d0459a9 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220877 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
c386b3cf-ba1f-494e-9dcf-c17c53ac3e92 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220885 tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
c39ab921-2f1a-437d-867a-863eddf81ad8 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115206 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
c41c4ca2-bd61-4537-b891-683cc006d3f0 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168503 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
c43d643a-839e-4160-920b-067267a6082c fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ssp. malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220903 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
c44a9c74-6026-46d4-854a-6a4f77a6b2b0 2d853a6d-50ec-4931-8e91-48fc2491fdee lacm rhinolophus rhinolophus megaphyllus australia 1986 Mammals 74719 skin and skull, tissue 0086
c50f99a2-2a10-43d5-9d2e-653ab6c72df6 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275609 skull, fluid, tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, not mounted, with skin, frozen
c5a6d6c5-9898-4f72-a9d5-6b009dc84a62 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus megaphyllus ssp. australia 1984 Mamm mvz:mamm:182546 skin, study; tissue (frozen)
c60f85d2-abee-46f2-8867-775b440f507a 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2008 Mammals 114356 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
c63e7108-04c2-47d0-b278-763c2670c87a fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168470 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
c6c7773e-c1c3-49b5-bb9a-a15bf199940e d598446c-2b25-4d5d-a983-99be53001203 nmv rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 1992 DNA Laboratory z32679 tissue&#124;frozen&#124;ethanol 95%&#124;liver&#124;ethanol 96%&#124;-196°c
c8104871-cb1a-4d5e-962d-23178a4a599e 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2008 Mammals 114359 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
c83bc5a9-3303-4c9f-a06f-964bc1b324bf a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus creaghi malaysia NA mammalTissues 4505 ethanol tissue
c8683ff3-7105-4bb3-9c64-98f6d10eb5c0 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus sedulus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108325 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
ca73ac71-46bf-43f9-a9ee-6434273fb241 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis philippine islands 2014 KUM 171492 tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete
cadf548a-7f2d-467a-9ef9-3b6f935bfc3c fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2006 KUM 164663 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
cbffc706-e758-4f5d-85a5-8137db59dbaf a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus stheno malaysia NA mammalTissues 4409 other tissue
cc10e927-1e75-4352-901f-3694a3279428 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2008 Mammals 114357 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
cc2fc387-4794-467e-9efa-6a6f493e056d 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115202 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
cc88d6be-4433-4eb8-b329-a4bfae9df5c0 ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 rom rhinolophus rhinolophus borneensis indonesia; borneo 1993 Mammals 101973 voucher not available; tissue only
ccdb1d09-41d0-4193-bf1d-c1433ddd81bf 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115234 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
cd7a50b5-e622-42e6-8c72-9daa5a1053e6 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz manis manis crassicaudata india 1829 Mamm bom-1066 skull (dry); tissue (dry) sample
cdcae2be-6a2c-4c8a-b0f2-89449ff2edb2 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40538 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
cdf6ded3-2f54-4e27-a574-505bd428f81d 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115253 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
ce364726-e311-4986-b016-6c25cc1b1ee7 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40535 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
ce75df00-0915-4af4-99f1-7114ab852d59 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2014 KUM 171524 tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete; skin complete
ceff78ce-e3d9-434c-b439-ad01bde3a93e fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ssp. malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220905 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
cf73c1c5-ee78-4c92-8fb1-277a93f3d269 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd ummz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 1998 mammals 174638 fluid-alcohol - 1&#124;tissue - 1
cf7701bc-399e-4c34-b2ae-0a342f98c393 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168446 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
cfd1978e-d6e3-4c0c-a8bb-9c5e7707d05f a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus creaghi malaysia NA mammalTissues 4503 ethanol tissue
cfedb8c6-509f-4b87-9ac2-2cd9259b7215 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115245 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
cff08d97-2b57-4d6b-98fc-359a0d26cc70 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168435 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
d14f8b1a-38c2-499f-a946-705316f11914 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115208 ? &#124; tissue
d1932e26-d3d7-4873-85a9-fff5c97bd26e d598446c-2b25-4d5d-a983-99be53001203 nmv rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 2013 DNA Laboratory z23042 tissue&#124;frozen&#124;ethanol 70%&#124;liver&#124;-80°c
d21bc86f-aaa7-45a1-8017-3337c2448920 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220888 tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
d3a61c8a-51b0-489d-a9a3-f72b642179b7 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus stheno malaysia 2006 Mammals 108177 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
d4a22966-5ddc-443a-a17c-b0a9e179c153 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum united states 2006 Mamm mvz:mamm:239245 tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
d50040de-7651-487a-968a-9c9fe67030f5 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40537 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
d6047bba-721a-42b6-a882-c398c9332441 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220891 tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
d637729b-bbcc-4233-babe-ca242d357cfc fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus inops philippine islands 2011 KUM 168133 tissue; frozen; skull; etoh; true
d65d5137-8d7c-4802-961d-184164773620 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus alcyone central african republic 1998 Mammals m-268373 frozen
d6d3605a-dc53-4a57-bde6-d086a513b504 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2014 KUM 171403 tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete; skin complete
d74328e1-7401-474a-8c84-0ed6722fe878 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz paguma paguma larvata leucomystax (j. e. gray, 1837) indonesia 1937 Mamm 36044 skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); tissue (dry) sample
d7448bca-e022-4cad-9049-f71cc079731b fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168267 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
d7540d91-0be9-4d0f-ae3f-b0acc872146c fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168318 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
d8aca73a-a678-4409-9445-7bf53fb5f784 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii jordan 1983 Mammals 40526 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
d8b69a91-c0bc-4c7b-b9a6-234cdad56b0f 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz manis manis javanica desmarest, 1822 indonesia 1937 Mamm 36022 skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample
d93b9a65-30cd-4f88-96c6-9da6edac05bb a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus creaghi malaysia NA mammalTissues 4516 ethanol tissue
d9cfe1ac-b76c-4325-bae2-d56efd60f5e5 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus creaghi malaysia NA mammalTissues 4504 ethanol tissue
dacaf9cc-b1d9-42aa-aef5-d5ee30f21f15 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220894 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
daf3ffaa-c8af-4a46-b894-3d01ae892e8e fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus clivosus ssp. malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220901 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
db03947d-59f5-425d-a08b-4ecb263d0e7c fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168737 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
dc0f2621-f9ee-4240-9bae-074c8233d735 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz paguma paguma larvata ssp. vietnam 1997 Mamm mvz:mamm:186576 tissue (ethanol, 95%; frozen); whole organism (ethanol)
de11b9d1-3caa-4a39-8621-352d6e44d9a4 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz paguma paguma larvata leucocephala malaysia 1937 Mamm 36769 tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); skeleton (dry); hide (dry); tissue (dry) sample
de1ae963-f979-4b25-af68-0f35daae4630 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus philippinensis malaysia 2006 Mammals 108359 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
de577e72-375a-4dc2-9775-00055fda3c41 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum italy 1979 Mamm mvz:mamm:159212 tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol)
de7df185-45f2-44a5-8ebc-9e121a1786fb fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:234393 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
de84431b-047d-45a2-ad53-48d6461a451f fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168507 tissue unspecified; frozen; etoh complete; true
dec32acf-58bb-49f7-b852-30229aa3b135 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus swinnyi malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220883 tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
decfb87f-dcc8-4805-8794-06d439cc5ad1 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168790 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; skeleton complete; false; skull complete
dfc6027a-0f0d-44f6-8ebe-6b47d5882356 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:234392 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
e0ae29a2-ba02-494d-b99c-a5dc60dd0891 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e msb rhinolophus rhinolophus lepidus lepidus india 1984 Mamm msb:mamm:231649 unknown (frozen)
e11284c2-627f-47e1-a615-4e1f92749e0f fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168652 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
e2222e7d-ea01-4960-ac11-b99d072ecac6 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus trifoliatus malaysia NA mammalTissues 4415 other tissue
e2d239bb-d36b-4e4a-bd7a-fa771f0771fd cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275698 fluid, tissue, whole body, unknown tissue, with skin, frozen
e56f734d-4d27-425a-a12a-ee1424aad758 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e msb rhinolophus rhinolophus lepidus lepidus india 1984 Mamm msb:mamm:231644 unknown (frozen)
e5c37eec-db64-4a3b-8f4d-5edca8de2485 d598446c-2b25-4d5d-a983-99be53001203 nmv rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 2014 DNA Laboratory z27957 tissue&#124;frozen&#124;ethanol 70%&#124;liver&#124;-80°c
e66e5b38-b88d-4425-b63f-186b908d1416 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum jordan 1983 Mammals 40542 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
e6e7f632-8394-44cd-8c86-184bdae16ac4 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz paguma paguma larvata larvata (c. e. h. smith, 1827) china 1921 Mamm 24831 tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); skeleton (dry); hide (dry); tissue (dry) sample
e6ec6a30-c9ae-4705-b50d-0e058a7f887b 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz manis manis pentadactyla dalmanni vietnam 1939 Mamm 38281 skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample; tissue (dry) sample
e70c4ff9-38f4-411a-88e1-76b32e6f20b9 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus luctus vietnam 1998 Mammals m-272284 not mounted, frozen, with skin
e7e02243-152e-4941-83c7-58bfa7ff3823 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd ummz rhinolophus rhinolophus indonesia 1998 mammals 174644 fluid-alcohol - 1&#124;tissue - 1
e8523d6a-91e2-4179-8077-a5b69db98ae5 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168428 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
e8d47113-26b5-43a4-a114-798cc093aaa7 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275701 skull, tissue, fluid, cranium and mandible, unknown tissue, body with skull removed, not mounted, frozen, with skin
e8e148b7-2c72-4e4f-bea2-8feebbb040f2 ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 rom rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis china 2005 Mammals 116445 voucher not available; tissue only
e91b9251-6ae3-4ed8-a7f0-f7dc0f94d0a1 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115166 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
e9a916a8-c4ee-490a-9091-ad78489c2f3e fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus swinnyi malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220882 tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
e9bf9b6e-a637-417d-a29a-bee586456f6e cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis vietnam 1999 Mammals m-273032 frozen, not mounted
e9d85a5e-be80-4400-b554-e0fcad30c528 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus luctus malaysia 2006 Mammals 108407 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
e9fc7029-d2db-4901-8b5e-217f07b9df08 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115235 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
ea00b646-78ee-4023-8790-81279450a844 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2011 KUM 168235 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
ea596b7d-ad0b-468c-8922-01bf7fbecd49 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus stheno microglobosus vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275720 skull, fluid, tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, not mounted, with skin, frozen
ec2e3816-7ea7-4a38-8bb6-e207133286bb a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus creaghi malaysia NA mammalTissues 4502 ethanol tissue
eca04bc9-f436-4864-99a4-b332d2cf4daa fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168437 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
ed643a4f-10d4-49a9-8535-b4a97e06b778 ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 rom rhinolophus rhinolophus borneensis indonesia; borneo 1993 Mammals 101975 voucher not available; tissue only
ef14d5e8-73d7-4af7-99da-909e20d93559 09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e msb rhinolophus rhinolophus lepidus lepidus india 1984 Mamm msb:mamm:231646 unknown (frozen)
ef63d772-785a-42f8-a57c-23807d1693fe fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus lobatus malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220875 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
efeb0eb3-792e-4359-8480-86bd8d104795 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus subrufus philippine islands 2005 KUM 164349 etoh partial; true; skull complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
f0b9b9b9-5dda-441f-bb21-6746b58ffef5 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115230 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
f2a02993-c611-40a9-93e1-09b6ddb7fe19 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168541 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
f2a533ed-f777-44b9-8bbf-d2868ddac7cb fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus philippine islands 2014 KUM 171416 tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete; skin complete
f2ca8b99-c19f-4c15-b53a-814fcc73a0fe 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz manis phataginus tricuspis mabirae g.m. allen and loveridge, 1942 uganda 1938 Mamm 39417 skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry)
f2d62103-ed1b-43a5-9de0-fe68b46e135b fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168460 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
f34fadb9-e45a-48e4-8bf9-e521ef4a0f50 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275707 tissue, skull, fluid, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, frozen, not mounted, with skin
f386ec8c-fc81-443d-ac68-388e3b751721 271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f mcz manis manis pentadactyla dalmanni thailand 1937 Mamm 35957 skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample
f3d94eea-b4be-4f58-b1d5-1a3755df9a22 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2013 KUM 168879 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
f42e4dcc-8121-4ed7-b205-68551027d745 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus hildebrandti malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220906 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
f4d0f67d-11aa-45e1-90d3-2c6a9b70bb8b 2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd ummz rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum pakistan 1990 mammals 167652 fluid-alcohol - 1&#124;tissue - 1
f4d7b1e4-0c5e-48f5-8725-2ab7a1062f7e fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2005 KUM 164368 etoh partial; true; skull complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
f4eee9df-a48c-4021-9767-699cb95ec946 cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 amnh rhinolophus rhinolophus pearsonii vietnam 2004 Mammals m-275706 fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted
f569fa5d-b28e-429a-8ed2-3acb7b521758 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum united states 2006 Mamm mvz:mamm:239246 tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
f5825061-c946-4559-be5f-f79b71089745 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115254 sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue
f5cf6576-4923-4781-93f9-031922294805 fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus affinis china 1988 Mamm mvz:mamm:192694 tissue (frozen)
f63a5a3a-5da0-4169-aefc-fe8966ee9d11 a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 lsumz rhinolophus rhinolophus creaghi malaysia NA mammalTissues 4515 ethanol tissue
f63dfe62-3a44-4d03-a0c7-c5cecf84269e fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus blasii malawi 2007 Mamm mvz:mamm:220892 skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta)
f757e579-72de-4daf-9616-dfdf18be99bc fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 mvz rhinolophus rhinolophus ferrumequinum united states 2006 Mamm mvz:mamm:239252 tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed)
f7e0b65a-20ef-411d-8555-76a435c72e92 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2011 KUM 168340 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
f8af0632-a608-4bdc-b8f5-422251a5339a fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus subrufus philippine islands 2013 KUM 171572 tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete
fa9fecc6-8394-43d0-bb80-abec4688fa6d fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168462 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete
fbcb5742-b794-4cad-97f6-d714f3bcdee4 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2006 KUM 164656 etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true
fc40627a-d731-4e43-b9e8-d153a4559e80 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115228 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
fd700450-8db8-4a3e-b8b8-e63f4c2459e2 fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus virgo philippine islands 2012 KUM 168666 tissue; frozen; etoh; true
fe5a0ef6-1353-4fa0-ab25-0a0fabfd3804 433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 ttu rhinolophus rhinolophus denti botswana 2009 Mammals 115227 al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue
ffbb21af-007b-45a4-92bb-c88988de62ad fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 ku rhinolophus rhinolophus arcuatus philippine islands 2012 KUM 168472 tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete

We can view the preparation distinct values present in our subset of data to see if there are any other values we might want to filter on:

data.dwc:preparations n
0°c freezer tissue 1
? &#124; tissue 4
al &#124; alcoholic &#124; tissue 55
carcass (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed); skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) 4
embryo (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed); skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) 1
ethanol tissue 20
etoh complete; true; tissue tusk; frozen; true 1
etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen 1
etoh complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true 18
etoh partial; true; skull complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen 1
etoh partial; true; skull complete; true; tissue unspecified; frozen; true 4
fluid, skull, tissue, body with skull removed, cranium and mandible, unknown tissue, with skin, not mounted, frozen 1
fluid, tissue, skull, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, with skin, frozen, not mounted 9
fluid, tissue, whole body, unknown tissue, with skin, frozen 1
fluid-alcohol - 1&#124;tissue - 1 13
formalin, whole; tissues (loans); tissues: spleen (loans) 1
frozen 2
frozen, not mounted 1
frozen, with skin 1
frozen, with skin, not mounted 2
heart, kidney (frozen); liver (frozen) 2
liver (frozen); muscle (frozen); skull; whole organism (alcohol) 3
muscle (frozen); whole organism (ethanol) 1
not mounted, frozen, with skin 1
other tissue 8
sa &#124; alcoholic &#124; skull &#124; tissue 4
sa &#124; tissue 3
sb &#124; skeleton &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue 45
skeleton; skin, study; skull; tissue (ethanol, 95%; frozen) 1
skeleton; skin, study; tissue (frozen) 1
skeleton; tissue (frozen) 1
skin (dry); skeleton (dry); tissue (dry) sample 1
skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample 1
skin - 1&#124;skull - 1&#124;tissue - 1 1
skin and skull, tissue 0086 1
skin and skull, tissue 0087 1
skin and skull, tissue 0088 1
skin and skull, tissue 0129 1
skin and skull, tissue 0135 1
skin, study; skull; tissue (dmso/edta) 20
skin, study; tissue (frozen) 1
skin; skull; tissues: hair (loans) 1
skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) 3
skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample 3
skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (dry) sample; tissue (dry) sample 1
skull (dry); skin (dry); tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); tissue (dry) sample 3
skull (dry); tissue (dry) sample 1
skull, fluid, tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, unknown tissue, not mounted, with skin, frozen 3
skull, tissue, fluid, cranium and mandible, unknown tissue, body with skull removed, not mounted, frozen, with skin 1
sn &#124; skeleton &#124; skull &#124; tissue 1
ss &#124; skin &#124; skull &#124; tissue 2
ss &#124; tissue 6
tissue (dmso/edta); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed) 11
tissue (dry) 1
tissue (ethanol, 95%; frozen); whole organism (ethanol) 1
tissue (frozen) 5
tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol) 2
tissue (frozen); whole organism (ethanol, 70%; formalin-fixed) 9
tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); skeleton (dry); hide (dry); tissue (dry) sample 2
tissue (frozen: vapor phase nitrogen); skeleton (dry); tissue (dry) sample 1
tissue tissue unspecified; etoh complete 8
tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete 1
tissue tissue unspecified; skeleton complete; skull complete; skin complete 5
tissue tissue unspecified; ethanol; true; etoh complete 25
tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete 51
tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; etoh complete; skull complete 1
tissue tissue unspecified; frozen; true; skeleton complete; false; skull complete 4
tissue tissue unspecified; unknown; true; etoh complete 1
tissue unspecified; frozen; etoh complete; true 3
tissue, skull, fluid, unknown tissue, cranium and mandible, body with skull removed, frozen, not mounted, with skin 4
tissue, skull, fluid, unknown tissue, cranium and mandibles, body with skull removed, frozen, not mounted, with skin 1
tissue, unknown tissue, frozen 1
tissue-1, alcohol-1 2
tissue-1, skeleton-1, skull-1, skin-1 2
tissue; frozen; etoh; true 28
tissue; frozen; skeleton; skull; true 1
tissue; frozen; skull; etoh; true 6
tissue&#124;frozen&#124;ethanol 70%&#124;liver&#124;-80°c 2
tissue&#124;frozen&#124;ethanol 95%&#124;liver&#124;ethanol 96%&#124;-196°c 2
unknown (frozen) 9
voucher not available; tissue only 12

Contact institutions with specimens of interest

These data come from from multiple institutions, and if we wanted to examine the physical specimens or inquire about getting tissue samples, we would need to contact each institution. We can figure out who to contact using our results.

# Count how many records in the data were contributed by each recordset
recordtally <- recordsfiltered %>% 
  group_by(recordset) %>% 
  tally() %>% rename()

# Get metadata from the attributes of the `records` data frame
collections <- tibble(collection = attr(recordsfiltered, "attribution")) %>% 
  # Expand information captured in nested lists
        recordset_uuid = "uuid",
        recordset_name = "name",
        recordset_url= "url",
        contacts = "contacts") %>% 
  # Get rid of extraneous attribution metadata
  select(-collection) %>% 
  # Expand information captured in nested lists
  unnest_longer(contacts) %>% 
  # Expand information captured in nested lists
  unnest_wider(contacts) %>% 
  # Remove any contacts without an email address listed
  filter(!is.na(email)) %>% 
  # Get rid of duplicate contacts within the same recordset
  distinct() %>% 
  # Rename some columns
  rename(contact_role = role, contact_email = email) %>% 
  # Group first and last names together in the same column
  unite(col = "contact_name", 
        first_name, last_name, 
        sep = " ", 
        na.rm = TRUE) %>% 
  # Restructure data frame so that there is one row per recordset
  group_by(recordset_uuid) %>% 
  mutate(contact_index = row_number()) %>%
  mutate(recordset_url = if_else(grepl("^http://", recordset_url),
    gsub("^http://", "https://", recordset_url),
  )) %>%
  mutate(recordset_url = if_else(grepl("www.amnh.org/our-research/vertebrate-zoology/mammalogy", recordset_url),
    gsub("www.amnh.org/our-research/vertebrate-zoology/mammalogy", "www.amnh.org/research/vertebrate-zoology/mammalogy", recordset_url),
  )) %>%
  mutate(recordset_url = if_else(grepl("www.burkemuseum.org/mammalogy", recordset_url),
    gsub("www.burkemuseum.org/mammalogy", "www.burkemuseum.org/collections-and-research/biology/mammalogy", recordset_url),
  )) %>%
  mutate(recordset_url = if_else(grepl("www.nhm.org", recordset_url),
    gsub("www.nhm.org", "nhm.org", recordset_url),
  )) %>%
  mutate(recordset_url = if_else(
    grepl("appl003.lsu.edu/natsci/lmns.nsf/\\$Content/Mammals\\?OpenDocument", recordset_url),
    gsub("appl003.lsu.edu/natsci/lmns.nsf/\\$Content/Mammals\\?OpenDocument", "appl103.lsu.edu/natsci/Collections/natscicolsearch.nsf/OpenMainPage?OpenAgent&ID=1042", recordset_url),
  )) %>%
  mutate(recordset_url = if_else(grepl("www.nsrl.ttu.edu/collections/Mammals/index.htm", recordset_url),
    gsub("www.nsrl.ttu.edu/collections/Mammals/index.htm", "www.depts.ttu.edu/nsrl/collections/mammal.php", recordset_url),
  )) %>%
  mutate(recordset_url = if_else(grepl("sites01.lsu.edu/wp/mns/research-collections/genetic-resources/", recordset_url),
    gsub("sites01.lsu.edu/wp/mns/research-collections/genetic-resources/", "appl103.lsu.edu/natsci/Collections/natscicolsearch.nsf/OpenMainPage?OpenAgent&ID=1050", recordset_url),
  )) %>%
  mutate(recordset_url = if_else(grepl("https://www.msb.unm.edu", recordset_url),
    gsub("www.msb.unm.edu", "www.msb.unm.edu", recordset_url),
  )) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = contact_index,
                values_from = c(contact_name, contact_role, contact_email)) %>%
  # Include how many records in the data were contributed by each recordset
  left_join(recordtally, by = c("recordset_uuid"="recordset")) %>% 
   # Filter and remove n = 0
  filter(!is.na(n)) %>% 
  # Get rid of any rows which don't actually contribute data to `records`;
  # necessary because the attribute metadata by default includes all recordsets
  # in iDigBio that match the `idig_search_records` query, even if you filter
  # or limit those results in your own code
  filter(recordset_uuid %in% records$recordset) 

Our newly constructed collections data frame contains contact information for each of the collections (i.e. recordsets) providing data, and looks like this:

recordset_uuid recordset_name recordset_url contact_name_1 contact_name_2 contact_name_3 contact_name_4 contact_name_5 contact_name_6 contact_name_7 contact_name_8 contact_name_9 contact_name_10 contact_name_11 contact_role_1 contact_role_2 contact_role_3 contact_role_4 contact_role_5 contact_role_6 contact_role_7 contact_role_8 contact_role_9 contact_role_10 contact_role_11 contact_email_1 contact_email_2 contact_email_3 contact_email_4 contact_email_5 contact_email_6 contact_email_7 contact_email_8 contact_email_9 contact_email_10 contact_email_11 n
cb790bee-26da-40ed-94e0-d179618f9bd4 AMNH Mammal Collections https://www.amnh.org/research/vertebrate-zoology/mammalogy Tom Trombone NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Data Manager NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA trombone@amnh.org NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 28
ec359278-df8e-4766-a1d3-4b55fd822704 Mammalogy Collection - Royal Ontario Museum Bradley Millen Burton Lim Judith Eger Susan Woodward NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Database Technician Associate Curator Curator - retired Assistant Curator - Retired NA NA NA NA NA NA NA bradm@rom.on.ca burtonl@rom.on.ca judithe@rom.on.ca susanw@rom.on.ca NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12
271a9ce9-c6d3-4b63-a722-cb0adc48863f Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University https://mczbase.mcz.harvard.edu/ Paul J. Morris Paul J. Morris Breda Zimkus Brendan Haley NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Biodiversity Informatics Manager Biodiversity Informatics Manager Acting Director of Collections Operations Senior Database Manager NA NA NA NA NA NA NA bdim@oeb.harvard.edu mole@oeb.harvard.edu bzimkus@oeb.harvard.edu bhaley@oeb.harvard.edu NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16
fb4a4330-9124-4013-a0e1-af42ee20cd16 KUBI Mammalogy Collection https://biodiversity.ku.edu/mammalogy/collections Andrew Bentley Dianna Krejsa Jocelyn Colella NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Bioinformatics Manager Collection Manager Curator NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA abentley@ku.edu krejsa@ku.edu colella@ku.edu NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 159
2d853a6d-50ec-4931-8e91-48fc2491fdee LACM Vertebrate Collection https://nhm.org/ William Mertz William Ludt Todd Clardy Shannen Robson Young Ha Suh Neftali Camacho David Bloom John Wieczorek Kimball Garrett Neftali Camacho Shannen Robson Database & Reports Manager Curator Collections Manager Collections Manager Collections Manager Collections Manager VertNet Coordinator Information Architect Collection Manager - Birds Collections Manager - Herpetology Collections Manager - Mammalogy wmertz@nhm.org wludt@nhm.org tclardy@nhm.org srobson@nhm.org ysuh@nhm.org ncamacho@nhm.org dbloom@vertnet.org tuco@berkeley.edu kgarrett@nhm.org ncamacho@nhm.org srobson@nhm.org 5
d598446c-2b25-4d5d-a983-99be53001203 Museums Victoria provider for OZCAM https://collections.ala.org.au/public/show/dr342 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA info@ala.org.au NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4
497d74c2-d07f-4325-ac9c-8e80bcb53f61 Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM https://collections.ala.org.au/public/show/dr341 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA info@ala.org.au NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2
433646ab-571a-44f5-820e-25e0736b1113 TTU Mammals Collection https://www.depts.ttu.edu/nsrl/collections/mammal.php Heath Garner NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Curator of Collections NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA heath.garner@ttu.edu NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 111
09b18522-5643-478f-86e9-d2e34440d43e MSB Mammal Collection (Arctos) https://www.msb.unm.edu/mammals Joseph Cook Laura Russell David Bloom John Wieczorek Dusty McDonald Jon Dunnum NA NA NA NA NA Curator of Mammals VertNet Programmer VertNet Coordinator Information Architect Arctos Database Programmer Collection Manager, Mammals NA NA NA NA NA cookjose@unm.edu larussell@vertnet.org dbloom@vertnet.org tuco@berkeley.edu dlmcdonald@alaska.edu jldunnum@unm.edu NA NA NA NA NA 14
fcbcb214-cd62-4453-af56-b4b49161a261 MVZ Mammal Collection (Arctos) https://mvz.berkeley.edu/Mammal_Collection.html Chris Conroy Laura Russell David Bloom John Wieczorek Dusty McDonald Eileen Lacey James Patton NA NA NA NA Staff Curator of Mammals VertNet Programmer VertNet Coordinator Information Architect Arctos Database Programmer Faculty Curator of Mammals Faculty Curator of Mammals NA NA NA NA ondatra@berkeley.edu larussell@vertnet.org dbloom@vertnet.org tuco@berkeley.edu dlmcdonald@alaska.edu ealacey@berkeley.edu patton@berkeley.edu NA NA NA NA 54
2d94a3ac-f505-49ec-98e7-3b7dc48344dd University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Mammals https://lsa.umich.edu/ummz/mammals.html UMMZ Mammals Data Group Admins LSA IT NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ummz-mammals-data@umich.edu lsa-it-infra-ipt-admins@umich.edu NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14
21ea1ef6-4a2a-4ff2-a18b-5c0f297fc1cf UWBM Mammalogy Collection (Arctos) https://www.burkemuseum.org/collections-and-research/biology/mammalogy Jeff Bradley David Bloom John Wieczorek Dusty McDonald NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Collection Manager VertNet Coordinator Information Architect Arctos Database Programmer NA NA NA NA NA NA NA jebrad@uw.edu dbloom@vertnet.org tuco@berkeley.edu dlmcdonald@alaska.edu NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3
79dfdec6-3e24-489c-a7ce-85dcc52bc3f9 Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections - TCWC Vertebrates https://brtc.tamu.edu Heather Prestridge Laura Russell David Bloom John Wieczorek Heather Prestridge Toby Hibbitts NA NA NA NA NA Curator VertNet Programmer VertNet Coordinator Information Architect Curator Curator NA NA NA NA NA hlprestridge@tamu.edu larussell@vertnet.org dbloom@vertnet.org tuco@berkeley.edu brtc@tamu.edu thibbitts@tamu.edu NA NA NA NA NA 9
76015dea-c909-4e6d-a8e1-3bf35763571e Vertebrate Zoology Division - Mammalogy, Yale Peabody Museum Larry Gall Kristof Zyskowski NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Head, Computer Systems Office Division of Vertebrate Zoology NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA lawrence.gall@yale.edu kristof.zyskowski@yale.edu NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1
a986ff36-22a2-46a5-ac82-513b6fa90423 LSUMZ Mammal Tissues https://appl103.lsu.edu/natsci/Collections/natscicolsearch.nsf/OpenMainPage?OpenAgent&ID=1050 Donna Dittmann NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Collections Manager NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ddittma@lsu.edu NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 29
c6969e30-ca21-4576-954d-9c0e052bdde9 LSUMZ Mammals Collection https://appl103.lsu.edu/natsci/Collections/natscicolsearch.nsf/OpenMainPage?OpenAgent&ID=1042 Jake Esselstyn Laura Russell David Bloom John Wieczorek NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Curator VertNet Programmer VertNet Coordinator Information Architect NA NA NA NA NA NA NA esselstyn@lsu.edu larussell@vertnet.org dbloom@vertnet.org tuco@berkeley.edu NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4
b4d4e884-a2ef-4967-b4cb-2072fc465eaf UAM Mammal Collection (Arctos) https://www.uaf.edu/museum/collections/mammal/ Link Olson Laura Russell David Bloom John Wieczorek Dusty McDonald Aren Gunderson Kyndall Hildebrandt NA NA NA NA Curator of Mammals VertNet Programmer VertNet Coordinator Information Architect Arctos Database Programmer Mammals Collection Manager Genomic Resources Collection Manager NA NA NA NA leolson@alaska.edu larussell@vertnet.org dbloom@vertnet.org tuco@berkeley.edu dlmcdonald@alaska.edu amgunderson@alaska.edu kbhildebrandt@alaska.edu NA NA NA NA 1